Chapter 7

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this chapter is dedicated to @akashi_ryuuki because KYAAAAA I LOVE YOUR BOOKS!! NOTICE ME, SENPAI!!! :D XD

gonna buy my sick mother some medicine



I ran down the sidewalk, using my bag as my umbrella. But I was practically drenched so it was futile even if I run as fast as I could. I waited for like thirty minutes for the rain to stop but it just worsen. And I had a feeling that my parents will call the house to check up on me.

"This is terrible, real terrible." I panted whilst running down the slippery road, I was surprised I didn't slip by now.

When I arrived home at exactly 6:26 pm, I hurried to the bathroom to take a hot shower to prevent me from getting a cold. But I cannot avoid the confused stares of the maids and their murmuring that they thought I wouldn't hear.

"Yurika-sama's parents were absent so she can come home late."

"It'll be our fault if she caught a fever or cold."

"Shut up, she'll hear us. Let's just reheat her dinner."

Hearing those words made me feel guilty. It was true that my parents would question them regarding that matter. I'd just realized that I've been selfish all along. All I cared about was how I could taste the sweetness of freedom while I become a burden to the people around me.

When I came to the dining room, I flicked the switch on the wall, lightening up the whole room. I was never fond of candlelight dinners unlike my parents who liked the dark atmosphere while we ate in silence. The maids who were just murmuring earlier stood at the side of the table, their head bowed down.

"Have you guys ate dinner?" I asked them.

They looked up at me with panicked faces, Mei elbowed Kisa and I raised an eyebrow. Kisa shook her head quickly.

"Then, join me." I ordered.

"Eh?!" Kisa and Mei reacted.

"Y-Y-Yurika-sama, we most definitely cannot!" Kisa declined, her voice shaking.

"It's inappropriate for the master and servant to eat in one table!" Mei added, the panic equal to Kisa's.

I sat on my position. "Why not? My parents aren't present at the time and I don't want to eat all of these alone." I gestured towards the banquet in front of me. Well, at least for me, it does look like it.

The duo stared at me, their mouth ajar. I sighed. "Please. And I also want to talk about something while we're at it."

After a few moments, the two of them agreed. "We'll just get extra plates."

The dining table was long with white table cloth. When Kisa and Mei came out with plates on their hands, I gave them a warm smile to calm them down. They plan to sit three chairs away from me.

"Sit here," I gestured the chairs across me. "I don't have a contagious disease, guys." I chuckled at them. They hesitantly took the chairs across me and stared at me as if they were waiting for me to talk. I clasped my hands together. "Let's eat first and then we'll talk."

"Ittadakimasu," we said in unison.

I liked watching them eat. It's like they haven't tasted such food in their lives. Each spoonful brings a sweet smile to their lips. The one who cooks our meals was one of the best chefs in Japan. And I can't help but smile as well.

"Is it delicious?" I asked them whilst I took another bite of my dressed celery.

"I love it!" Kisa replied quickly, grinning ear to ear. Mei elbowed her on the arm and shot her a look of "where are your manners?". Kisa flinched and cleared her throat. "I mean, it is, young miss." Kisa informed me, with a poised tone.

I chuckled. "That's good, then." I finished off my celery and drank my water. "Also, you don't need to act all formal and poised around me. It's just me so treat me like how you treat your friends."

"But young miss, you are our master." Mei retorted politely. "It is never right for us to treat you as if you are equal to us."

I smiled sadly. "I don't need a special treatment. I've always been used to, all my life, being treated like a princess. I, at least want to feel what it's like being an ordinary person." I explained. "Besides, it is my fault you're all having a hard time, am I correct?"

"My lady, you have done nothing wrong." Kisa said.

"I have." I insisted then sighed. "I've been acting selfishly all along. All I cared-"

"Yurika-sama," Kisa cut me off with a sad smile. "Wishing for freedom is never considered a fault."

My eyes widened in shock at Kisa's statement. How did she...?

"You may not know but we have been observing you for years. I know what it's like when your freedom has been taken away. You are like a caged bird, Yurika-sama. A caged bird that is hoping for salvation and believes that someone could teach her how to fly again. And I hope someday, you can fly away, even higher."

"Wow, Kisa. When did you become so philosophical?" Mei asked, raising an eyebrow.

As I watched the two maids in front of me bicker about how philosophical Kisa is, I smiled. I never thought that there is someone there who understands me. And I hope someday, too, my parents would come to understand me.

Just as the two women realized what they were doing, they stopped bickering and keep on apologizing for their inappropriate attitude in front of me.

I guess the special treatments will never change.

Just as I just finished staring at the white ceiling, my phone vibrated, announcing a new text message.


Akashi... Seeing his name pop on my screen made me remember that incident earlier. As I remember the way he stared at me, it sent shivers down my spine and caused my body to stiffen in numbness and fear. I couldn't explain the fear I've felt when he almost stabbed me in the face. He must have really got that much effect on me, it's... it's almost unfair.

My phone vibrated again.

"I just wanted to apologize for my misbehavior this afternoon."

I stared at my screen, not wanting to talk to him. I was still scared. I might say something I'll regret.

"Are you still afraid of me?"

Succumbing to his question, I typed a reply.

"What are you going to do if I still am?"

"You are different from the rest. Interesting."

"How so?"

"Albeit being afraid of me, you still had the audacity to disobey me."

"I'm sorry Akashi, just please stop."


"Why? Do I affect you just as much as you affect me?"

I just realized how awkward that sounded.

I can imagine him smirk right now though...

"Meet me at the gym tomorrow after class."

Oh great. This is just great.

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