Chapter 19

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"The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That's what I hope to give you forever." - The Notebook


I am now home-schooled.

My parents didn't want me to attend a normal school here in Osaka. They are worried about me, I assume. I mean, I do have problems regarding my identity.

So let's start with minor details, shall we?

But what do I mean by minor details?

I removed my glasses and stared at myself on the mirror, examining myself. I have hazel eyes, red hair as the color of fresh ripe strawberries. I eyed myself and adjusted my bangs and my eyes stopped to a scar on my forehead, it's there but not too conspicuous. "Who am I?" I mumbled to myself then huffed a breath.

This is harder than I thought; reminiscing. Because there was nothing to reminisce to begin with.

I went to the music room and the sight of musical instruments greeted me. I wandered the white room, my fingers touched a gray case. A violin case and I opened it. The violin has a dull brown color and there was a wrinkled paper on the case.

"Happy 7th birthday, Rika! Always play from the bottom of your heart. We love you! - Love, grandma and grandpa"

I smiled faintly, remembering my grandfather. I brought the letter to my chest and closed my eyes, praying that grandpa could see me now. "Help me..."

I exhaled, positioned the violin under my chin and the bow on the strings then played a melody I seem to know by heart with my eyes closed.

It feels as if I was a newborn child.

Everything was clean, wiped clean.

Nothing was left.

What should I feel?

Happiness because of the fact that I was still alive?


Sadness because of the fact that I can't remember anything?

But instead, I felt nothing. I couldn't feel anything. I have also forgotten how to feel. These memories, the memories that have been buried at the deepest core of my mind, I have also tried to wonder what it was like.

Was it wonderful?


Was it painful?

I'm curious as to what this name plays a role in my life.


Red? What's the matter with red? Is it my favorite color?

Oh, I see. It's my hair color.

It was autumn, dry leaves were now dancing with the wind.

I'm numb.

I can't feel anything. Both physical and mental. And I hated it. I hate the fact that I can't feel anything.

The door opened that made me stop my focus on the music and I shifted my gaze towards the source of the noise.

He was wearing his school uniform as he was holding a bouquet of red roses and was grinning ear to ear when he saw me looking at him. I smiled back, reluctantly.


"Yuri," He greeted me cheerfully as he was making my way to me.

I lied the violin on the table as I watch him walk gracefully to where I was standing. "Yuta-kun," I muttered. He gave me a hug as a greeting, taking me by slight surprise.

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