Chapter 21

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"Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.'" - Erich Fromm


When my feet took its very first step on the floors of Tokyo, a faint smile formed on my lips. I breathed in the fresh air and looked at the new surroundings.

I can't believe that I was finally outside the prison; the mansion.

When we arrived at the airport's lobby, a man with a black suit and tie caught my attention for he was holding a banner with our names written in big, capital letters.

Yuta-kun, who was beside me, offered me a smile and gestured towards the man. I furrowed my eyebrows but then nodded slowly. He grabbed my hand as we proceeded to make our way to him.

"Hiroko," Yuta-kun greeted the man.

"Welcome to Tokyo, Yuta-sama, Yurika-sama," The man named Hiroko greeted us as he bowed his head in a sophisticated manner. "Please proceed to the limousine outside, I will take care of your luggage." He offered and Yuta-kun nodded before he released his hold on the load and walked away, not letting go of my hand.

"Ne, ne, Yuri~!" Yuta-kun's excited voice rang through my ears and I shifted my gaze towards him and gave him a small smile as acknowledgement.

"What is it?"

"Would you like to take a walk around Tokyo?" He asked me, his eyes sparkling.

I frowned slightly and gave his cheek a poke. "Are you too eager to roam around? We still have plenty of time, you know." I chuckled.

Yuta-kun pouted. "I'm just so excited to spend time with you." He admitted.

"Yeah, I can see that," I grinned. "I'm still a little jet lagged, Yuta-kun," I admitted with a wry smile. "Let's go out some other time, okay?"

He nodded then slid his hands on my waist, hugging me on the way. "Okay~" He sang.

I caught a shade of red and my eyes followed it. I saw a boy at around my age with bloody red hair and stunning heterochromatic eyes sitting on the waiting area and staring at the guy hugging me, in a glaring manner. When his eyes shifted to me, his lips twitched up to a smile and I felt my chest tightened.

He smiled... at me.

I felt blood climbing up to my cheeks and I quickly looked away, biting on my lower lip gently.

What was that?

I suddenly... felt strange.

You are attracted to him.

What? No! I can't be! He's a stranger! And besides...

I looked at Yuta-kun who opened the car door for me, giving me a virile grin.

"I never took you for a gentleman," I commented with a giggle then stepped inside the limousine.

"Only for you, darling," He followed then gave me a peck on the cheek, making me smile.

I already have a fiance.

"When will the tournament start?" I asked him, diverting my attention away from the incident earlier.

Yuta-kun glanced at his wristwatch then thought for a moment. "This afternoon," He informed me with a tight smile.

I tilted my head to the side. "Oh, already?"

He ruffled on my hair and chuckled. "Yeah, but don't worry. We still have plenty of time, we can have all the rest we want, Yuri."

I slapped his hand away and glared at him. "Hey, not my hair, Yuta Kiryuu!" I complained as I tried to fix my hair.

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