Chapter 23

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"I fell in love with her courage, her sincerity, and her flaming self-respect. And it's these things I'd believe in, even if the whole world indulged in wild suspicions that she wasn't all she should be. I love her and it is the beginning of everything." - Francis Scott Fitzgerald


I consider this as my second lifetime for I was given a second chance to live again. Might be because this new life would serve as an opportunity for me to atone for the sins I have done for the past lifetime or maybe I just still haven't done nor finished the things I had to do with my life.

In other words, renaissance.

I don't know where I got that idea from. I might have been thinking too much than necessary.

Might be because of memory loss that it made me feel like I was a newborn child.

A newborn child with fragments of memories of her past lifetime? Where could you find that?

Those fragments of memories were from another person... and that person was Yurika Sendo which is me but not me at the same time.

Confusing, isn't it? I don't blame you.

After the 'heart-to-heart' talk with Akashi-kun, I suggested that we should go on our separate ways. He was reluctant and from the look in his eyes, he didn't want me to return to my fiance.

"We still have a lot to talk about." Akashi-kun stated, his eyes boring into mine. He was giving me a look that says 'Move or I will punish you.'

"Yes, and I know the whole day is not enough for that." I agreed then pulled out my phone from my pocket. "But my fiance is waiting for me." I said then turned my attention to my phone. I heard Akashi-kun snorted then mumbled something under his breath but I didn't catch it.

"Hey, Yuta-kun, I'm sorry about earlier... Akashi and I talked about--"

I stopped typing and thought if that would be a good idea to send him those words. He might ask me what we talked about and I honestly feel reluctant in telling him.

You should tell him, Yurika. He has every right to know.

I know. It's just that...

You remember his flaming rage towards Akashi-kun, right? That's what's holding you back from telling him about accepting help from him. You didn't want them to encounter each other again and--

Yes! I don't want to witness them killing each other using harsh words and death glares! I don't want them to get hurt. I don't know what they are capable of. I don't want them to... to...

To fight over you?

My eyes shot up at my own thoughts.

That's absurd.

You admitted that you liked it, Yurika.

I shook my head as if that will help me get those thoughts off of my head.

Is that really a habit of mine? Starting an argument with myself? I must be crazy now.

"Yurika," A voice snapped me back to my senses and I shifted my gaze towards the redhead beside me, staring at me as if observing me. "What's the matter?"

I shook my head with a wry smile then turned my attention towards my phone's screen. "Nothing, I'm just thinking about what I could say to Yuta-kun." I muttered as I deleted the message I didn't finished composing.

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