Chapter 29

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"Love is the voice under all silences, the hope which has no opposite in fear; the strength so strong mere force is feebleness: the truth more first than sun, more last than star." - e.e. cummings


My cheeks were already crimson red by the time those words left my lips. I quickly averted my gaze and shifted them down on the floor and let myself get devoured by humiliation.

He didn't answer. We just stood there, the deafening silence was our only companion. I didn't want to dare to look up and gauge his reaction but then curiosity got the best of me because the silence he was giving me is enough to drive me crazy.

He remained still on his position, his body leaned on the door frame of his bedroom; lips curled up into a sly smile with his arms folded across his chest. And right then, the words that left my mouth earlier finally registered in my brain.

"I want to sleep beside you."

I flinched slightly and waved my hands to contradict some form of assumption. "I-It's not what you think, Akashi-kun!" I stuttered, yet again. And that made his smirk stretch even more if it was still possible.

"Oh?" He tilted his head to the side, seemingly oblivious about something. "Can you state what's on my mind, then?" He drawled and it made my face heat up even more. I always put the cherries, tomatoes, apples - everything that is red to shame.

"N-No!" I let out an exasperated breath in frustration and buried my face on the palm of my hands. "What the heck am I doing?" I whispered to myself.

This is completely and utterly embarrassing, grandpa. You owe me, big time.

"Yurika," Akashi-kun called out in a firm voice.

"Yes?" I muttered, my face still buried on my palms.

"Look at me." He ordered.

I breathed in and slowly raised my head to look into his crimson eyes that was dancing with amusement.

"You will look at me, Yurika," his statements echoed through my head. "And only me."

After a few moments of that staring contest, I averted my gaze and shut my eyes. "N-Never mind, Akashi-kun." I mumbled and before I could take step back, he stopped me.

He smiled and moved his body to give some space. "Get in."

I gulped and took a deep breath. "Is it... is it really okay?" I asked in a soft voice.

He gave me a single nod and just left the door open for me. I clenched my fists into tight balls and forced my frozen feet to walk inside the room, not wanting to take too long.

My eyes wandered across the large dim room, the guest room that I rested on was nothing compared to this room. Even though the only source of light in this room was the lamp shade on his study area, I could still see the room clearly. There was no speck of dirt and grime around, everything was neat and organized. It was as if this was a room of an emperor - which is true.

Wait, he was still studying at a time like this?

"You can sleep on my bed." He said as he sat on the office chair and put on his eyeglasses, which made him... um, a thousand times more attractive...

Ha, that was still an understatement.

"You're still studying at a time like this?" I asked as I take a walk around his room.

You think it's like a walk in the park? No, it was like a walk inside a mini empire.

"Yes," He said simply as he continued writing something down.

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