Chapter 13

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"A simple 'I love you' means more than money." - Frank Sinatra


"Yurika-san~" a voice sang. It was the last voice that I wanted to hear.

I turned around and offered him a smile. "Hey, Katou-kun," I greeted. "How are you?"

Hideki Katou was my suitor. I have rejected him many times before but he was best friends with perseverance. It's been a while since I've last talked to him but he was nothing to worry about. He wooed me many times, trying to win me with various gifts and many more. I was not in love back then so maybe that's why he was trying hard to make me love him. So maybe now...

"I'm doing great," He replied with a smile and I mirrored his expression, except that it was forced. I turned back to the shelves and searched for books. "Um, Yurika-san?"

"Yes?" I asked as I continue to browse on the bookshelves, not searching for something in particular. I just wanted him to take the hint that I'm busy so he'll leave me alone.

He took a deep breath. "I love you," he said suddenly that made me drop the books I was holding. Darn, that really caught me off guard.

Katou-kun bent down to pick up my books and I helped him. I giggled nervously. "Why so sudden...?" I mumbled but loud enough for him to hear. He chuckled and shook his head.

"I just feel like saying it," He said as he picked up the last book. "I'm sorry, it caught you off guard, isn't it?"

I gave him a wry smile as a response as he handed me the books. "Katou-kun, you're a really nice guy and--"

"Yurika-san, please go out with me."

My mouth went ajar and I bit my lower lip then looked away. "Katou-kun, I--" I'm already in love with someone else...

He held me by the shoulders and I almost dropped my books again. My back collided with the bookshelves that caused it to shake a bit. He looked intently into my eyes, determination clear. "Please."

I was about to reject again when a thick encyclopedia book flew straight to Katou-kun's face.

"Katou-kun!" I called out his name as he fell to the floor, groaning in pain and holding out his face. I bent down and examined his face. "Are you alright?"

"I'm sorry, the book suddenly flew out of my hands." A very familiar voice said. I looked behind to see Akashi making his way to us with a blank expression.

I gasped. Of all people, it was Akashi who saw me all around Katou-kun. I felt a tad bit embarrassed. "Akashi..." I muttered. How can a book just fly out of his hands, especially hitting it solidly to someone's face? It was as if he did it on purpose but why?

"Are you okay? Shall we take you to the infirmary?" Akashi asked, his voice cool and not showing any emotion.

"No, I'm good." Katou-kun groaned and held on his face. Then suddenly, blood oozed out of his nose and it made me panic.

"You're not good at all!" I exclaimed. I was lucky that there are not much people coming to the library anyway. And the librarian could care less about the noise. I helped Katou-kun stand up. "We should definitely take you to the infirmary, like right now!"

I placed my books on a vacant area on the shelf as I gripped on Katou-kun's arm, helping him up. Then he slightly stumbled to his feet, making him wrap his arms around me, practically hugging me to regain balance.

I shifted my gaze back at Akashi who was looking at Katou-kun in a glaring manner. His aura gave off an intimidating feel before he masked it up with a blank stare. "Let me help you."

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