Chapter 5

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Edited. Enjoy! 😊


I wanted to laugh. But no, my brain just won't find it amusing.

"Do I affect you in any way?"

How high of him to think that way! Me? Affected to him? As if! It will snow in hell first before he starts to affect me!

I glared at the screen, reading the words carefully over and over again. You have got to be kidding me, Akashi!

Punching on the buttons with more force than necessary, I typed a reply to Akashi.

"Of course not! Why do you think such ridiculous things?"

His reply came faster approximately fifteen seconds after I sent my reply. This guy has fast fingers, I wonder why.




"Because I know everything."

I rolled my eyes.

"Why are you texting me?"

"I want to confirm something."

Confirm what?

"I gotta go. Bye, Akashi."

I was about to put my phone back inside my bag when it vibrated once again, canceling the motion.

"I am going to call you. Answer it."

There he goes again and his orders. Wait, he's going to call me! I'm not ready! I'd probably sound like a dying elephant because I don't know, because I'm just freaking nervous!

My phone suddenly went off playing the ringtone of First Love by Hikaru Utada. What the actual hell?

Eri. I am going to kill Komori Erika!

I let my phone go on ringing, waiting for the song to come to a halt. Tadashi glanced at me through the rearview mirror. "Young miss, aren't you going to answer that?"

I glanced at Tadashi and gave him a nervous laugh, "I don't plan to, Tadashi," I said and took a deep shaky breath. "And I already told you several times to drop the young miss and start calling me Yuri."

"But ma'am, it's impolite to refer to my master in that way." Tadashi reasoned out.

Good Yuri, good. Using your chauffeur as a distraction. Smooth.

The song stopped and I breathed a sigh of relief. Finally away from him now--

My phone vibrated again, announcing a new text message.

"I had confirmed it."


"Confirmed what?" I can't help but furrow my eyebrows in a perplexing manner and the urge to know what the hell he was talking about.

"I do affect you."

His conclusion caught me off guard. Is it because I didn't answer his call? Was it to test me how much of a coward I am? Because if it is, then game on, Akashi Seijuro!

I thought of what my reply could be. Carefully.

"Ha ha, very funny, Akashi."

"I'm not joking."

"Why did you even said that?"

I don't know why but somehow I can feel him smirking right now...

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