Chapter 12

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"I like to believe that love is a reciprocal thing, that it can't be really felt, truly, by one." - Sean Penn


I watched them practice for a few hours. To be honest, when Akashi invited me to watch, I might as well get bored to hell but surprisingly I got pretty entertained watching them play. Because they look like they are enjoying themselves. And Akashi was really good at leading the team.

And a little bonus.

After practice, Akashi made his way to me flawlessly, his sweat dripping completely, his shirt was completely drenched and his ab lines were showing. I just found myself biting my lower lip at the sight. His bloody hair was sticking to his forehead due to the sweat and the husky way he breathed because of tiredness adds a tremendous amount of points to allure people, including me.

Any girl would kill just to see this.

Snapping back to reality, I gave him a towel and he buried his sweaty face onto it. How I wish I was that towel...

"What are you looking at?" He asked me just as he took a long sip of his water.

I quickly looked away then blushed. "I'm not looking at you!" I glanced at his team who was doing layups. "This is the first time I've ever seen a practice this intense." I commented with a small smile, changing the subject.

Akashi smirked. "Is that so?" He asked and I nodded. Then out of the blue, he took his shirt off that caught me off guard. I'm sure a mad blush just crept to my cheeks because my face suddenly felt hot. This redhead obviously knows how to leave a girl breathless without doing anything.

"Hey, Akashi, don't torture her!" I heard Eikichi shout from the distance but I caught the amusement at the end of his voice. Then his teammates laughed, except Mayuzumi. This dude sure always has his own world.

I gave Eikichi a small glare and the Uncrowned Kings grinned at me. "I'm going to dismiss myself early." Akashi informed me whilst wearing on a clean shirt. "Let's go."

He started walking away and I trailed behind him. "Um, where are we going?"

"My house." I could feel the smirk radiating off his voice.

"Eh... really?" I just smiled. Why? Because I have never been to Seijuro Akashi's house before. But when his statements fully sank in my brain, my smile vanished and was replaced by a shocked expression. "EH? REALLY?!"

"Yes, really." He confirmed nonchalantly. I walked faster just to be side by side with him.


"We could easily get the work done there."

Okay, he didn't actually answered my question but whatever. I was pretty curious and excited to come to his house, words can't explain.

When we passed by the school gate, a black limousine was waiting. It must have been Akashi's chauffeur. The middle-aged man bowed down to him and opened the backseat door. I gazed at Akashi and waited for him to go in.

"You go first," He ordered and I nodded. I stepped inside the car and into the comfy seats. I have to admit that his seats were more comfy than mine. Akashi followed after.

The ride was followed by silence and I didn't mind. I was more than focused on memorizing the way to his house. My instincts told me to memorize it because I might need his address in the near future. I texted my father that I would be running home late so might as well eat dinner without me.

When we arrived, his house was more like a castle and I stared at it in awe. It was really enchanting even though our mansion is pretty just as huge as this. Or maybe, bigger.

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