Chapter 16

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"There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment." - Sarah Dessen, The Truth About Forever


Days seem to pass like a blur when you're happy. Being with Akashi was complete bliss to me, he became the source of my happiness. I had forgotten that he was supposed to be an enemy but I soon came to realize that my parents just disillusioned me because they wanted me to be at the top. I didn't want to compete with him. Not anymore. I want to fight beside him. I want to be his empress and rule the empire with him.

I'd do anything to keep him happy. I'd do anything just to be by his side. Even if I have to drop my responsibilities as an heiress? So be it. I love him more than anything in the world.

Sometimes I'll stay late after class just to play shogi with him and of course I never once won against him. But playing against him improved my level of strategy and sense of logic. So even if he kicks my butt every time we play, I was also learning.

Or whenever I had free time, I'd watch him in his basketball practice and of course, it was also torture because he looks incredibly alluring and you know why. He'd also tease me about how I was blushing so hard or he would attempt to hug me when he's all sweaty.

But we haven't hangout like we usually do for the past few days because he was more busy running errands because it was finally the day of the school festival. It was fine with me but he promised that we'll get a moment together alone.

He always keep his promises.

When he finally had a free time, he asked me to take a walk around with him. I wanted to hold his hand but too bad, we were inside the school grounds. I would ask once in a while how he was doing but he answered me differently.

"What?" I stopped chewing on my cotton candy and stared at the redhead beside me. Did I heard him right?

Akashi smiled. "You still have some candy on your face." He informed me and his thumb went up to wipe away the excess candy on my chin, intentionally hitting on my lower lip. The little tease.

I blushed and looked away, coughing to regain my composure. "Will you repeat what you said earlier?" I asked as I took another pinch and nibble of my cotton candy.

Akashi glanced at me. "Let's get married."

I choked on my own saliva and looked at him with wide eyes. I was at lost for words. It took me a while to have my voice to work and I was thankful because Akashi was patient enough. "Are you-Are you serious?"

"Yes, is there a problem with that?"

"We're 16," I pointed out. "We're going to be declared the youngest wedded couple." I crossed my arms across my chest. "And you didn't even proposed yet."

Akashi chuckled then shook his head in amusement. "Yurika, there's a marriage booth in here held by the 2nd years." He informed me, smiling.

My mouth went ajar but then I laughed. I thought that he really wanted to marry me, for real. I'd say yes though. I looked back at the redhead in front of me and smiled. "Okay."

Well, marrying the emperor was like being crowned the luckiest girl in the world. Everyone was there like it was the most important event of their lives. Kotaro was the priest and he said, "Well, I'd prefer to be Akashi's best man but oh well..."

Eri and Reo were practically screaming their lungs out. It was kind of bothering me.

"I'm the maid of honor!" Eri screamed.

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