Chapter 26

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"I fell in love the way you fall asleep; slowly and then all at once." - Hazel Grace, The Fault in Our Stars

Warning: Yandere Akashi ahead. Read at your own risk. (trolololol)


Yuta-kun respected my decision.

He managed to leave me alone throughout the weeks. But every once in a while, I would expect for him to drop a message or voice mail to see how I was doing or pay a surprise visit and tell me how sorry he was for deceiving me.

But even though how many weeks have passed since then, I wasn't able to think clearly. I don't know what was going on with my life anymore. I don't know what to believe anymore. And most frankly, I don't know who to trust anymore.

Why did I even accepted help from him?

My heart got caught up in my throat.

Oxygen left the place I was standing.

Blood stopped running and started climbing up to my face.

Am I just too bewildered that I forgot to breathe?

How did you got inside my house?

And most importantly...

Why are you here?

My hands trembled as I placed my phone on the counter, biting on my lower lip and reluctantly held his warm hands, that was covering my eyes.

"W-What are you doing in here?" I asked and it barely came out as a whisper. "Akashi-kun..." His name rolled off my tongue recklessly.

I heard him smirk. "Is it wrong to..." He trailed off as his hands dropped and trailed down to my waist, hugging me from behind then resting his chin on my shoulder before whispering something on my ear. "pay you a visit?"

My eyes dilated in shock and I just felt my face heat up if it was still possible. I think I might have a fever.

"Um, no. T-That's not what I-I meant." I stuttered, getting nervous at our close proximity. I, once again got a whiff of his strong male scent and my eyes involuntarily closed by themselves, not knowing the reason behind my mere action.

"Hmm," He cooed and I just found myself mentally sighing at how intense that sounded. "How are you?" He asked me and I slowly opened my eyes, remembering every single thing that has happened to me these past few weeks.

My face fell into a frown and my lips pursed into a tight line at the horrendous memory.

"I think I'm doing good." I lied and he released his hold on me, turning me around to go face to face with the attractive redhead.

"You were never really a good liar, aren't you?" He asked me with a halfhearted smile. "Why did I even ask in the first place? I know you've been miserable these past few weeks and I'm sorry about that."

I tilted my head to the side, perplexed. "For what?"

"For not being here when you needed some comfort."

I didn't expect those words to escape from his lips.

I shook my head and offered him a wry smile. "No, it's okay. I'm not your obligation, Akashi-kun." I convinced but he just raised an eyebrow in response.

He cares for you, idiot. He was your boyfriend.

"It is," He insisted. "After all, you were my girlfriend."

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