Author's Final Babbling

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Can I say something? Okay? Okay.

The truth was, this fanfiction didn't even had a plot to begin with.

I just wanted to fulfill my fangirl desires towards Akashi and nothing more. (I'm like Yurika at some point in the story. Tsun tsun to be specific.) I know, it's such a selfish deed. Lol. But I never expected that people would come to like this story so I decided to think of a proper plot for this. I wrote this story because I like him but as the chapter increases, my feelings for him got stronger. And viola, I got obsessed with him in the process.

This isn't the first time I'd finished a story because I made an original story way back in 2013 and I decided to delete it because... I don't know why. :'3

At first, I didn't like Akashi due to his extremely intimidating behavior but when I watched the Teiko arc., everything has changed. XD I figured out that he was a lonely man who always kept his loneliness to himself and every once in a while, I've wanted to comfort him. (everyone does but we know that we can't. //cries but we can comfort him through fanfictions) I used to have this huge crush on Ryota Kise that I'll even use his face as my wallpaper. Hahaha. But after the Teiko arc, he was immediately replaced. That easily. Hahahahahaha. XD

The very first Kuroko no Basuke fanfiction that I have read was "I'm Absolute" by LureEndsCallIn-senpai. And it's one hell of a masterpiece. I've finished reading that story in just a day without pauses. XD

And oh, exams were a blaaaaaast! Gaaaaaah freedom finally. Then I realized that there will be exams again next month. //cries

I want to thank all of the people who have supported this story. Seriously, your votes never fail to make me smile and your comments never fail to make my day. :D If not for you guys, this fanfiction wouldn't have ended. You guys really inspire me not just in writing but also in striving hard at school. :) I love you thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much. :)

I hope I made you smile, giggle, scream at your phone, relate, fangirl, cry (lol whut), laugh and everything. Hahaha. :"<

Sequel? I've got a few ideas but nooooo, let's just end it this way. :)

I've got a few ideas in mind for another fanfiction.

It's a Midorima fanfiction. (Everything Has Changed)

Kise fanfiction or...

Another Akashi fanfiction. :3

So yeah, I've been babbling nonsense and I just wasted 5 minutes of your life. So sorry XD.

Started: May 18, 2015

Ended: October 9, 2015



So in a previous chapter, I mentioned that I introduced GOM and Kagami to my mom. Since I love Kuroko no Basuke and Akashi so much, I'd want to share my fangirl side to my mom but her comments was the least I expected.please understand that this is my mom's opinion... but feel free to cry along with me. //cries


Mom: What do you want? //irritated

Me: //shows desktop background MY BABY IS SO HANDSOME, ISN'T HE???

Mom: //stares He has a long chin.

Me: //blinks WHAT?

Mom: Look at his clean eyebrows. It looks like he usually plucks them. He's like a girl.

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