Chapter 35

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"Once you truly believe you're worthy of love, you will never settle for anyone's second best treatment." - Charles J. Orlando


A few days have passed after my mother's confession. I'd always filled the gap inside me by distracting myself with studies, music and books but they all just contribute to the emptiness inside my heart. Right after I confronted my father about everything, he just maintained that deadpanned expression he always wore. He dismissed me immediately, as if he didn't want to feel my existence. And that stung my heart, big time.

Through that impassive facade, I've always wondered if he had ever known of the word love.

My heart broke when my mother told me these exact words. "No matter how hard you try, it's way out of your league. We can't help him, you can't help him."

"I love him, mother," I pointed out. "And I'd give anything just to make him feel that."

"Sometimes, love is just not enough."

I understand now why he did that. It's for the welfare of the company. He didn't have a choice, he wanted a good life for me. Even if that means choosing my fate for me, he'd take the risk... because he loves me. All of these wishful thinking was giving me disillusioned hope. I should open my eyes and see reality that he'll only see me nothing than an employee. And that sucks.

We are now business partners with the Akashis and father was professional about that. They talked normally about business but behind those pair of hazel eyes, I see nothing but pure hatred and resentment. And I didn't dare to look him in the eyes after that. He was extremely intimidating.

He still didn't approve of our relationship though he just let us do as we please. In our second year, father let me come back to Rakuzan and finish my studies there with Akashi-kun's help. People welcomed me back and I started to build a new relationship with them. I became happy once again, though there was still some gap left in my heart, and that gap was the love and attention of my father. The space that's been vacant for a long time and hoping to be occupied someday.

I did nothing but to pray to God to guide and enlighten my father's heart.

Akashi-kun graduated as the class' valedictorian while I was the salutatorian. I was very proud and happy for him. Mother was truly happy for me even though I didn't graduate at the top of my class. As for my Father? I honestly don't know, it really frustrates me that I don't know what he felt that day... I'm completely clueless if he was really proud of his daughter that time.

As for the current moment, Akashi-kun and I are having our dinner because he wanted to make up for his absences. He became very busy for the past few days and the same goes for me. We barely had any time for each other.

"Let's dance, Yurika," He beckoned and offered his hand to me. I looked at his hand that was extended to me and back to his gorgeous face. He then gave me an encouraging smile and I smiled back, accepting his warm hand.

There was no music echoing through the dim, silent room. However, we created our own music inside our hearts and minds. The feelings were very mutual.

"I missed you..." I muttered with a smile as we sway to the inaudible music.

"I missed you too." He said then matched my smile.

Do you know why we were so busy for the past few days?

"So, how did your day went?" I asked him softly while my arms around his neck was tightening too.

"Nothing new. Negotiate, win, study. The cycle goes on." He said nonchalantly. I chuckled at how bored his faced looked and that made him smile at me. "You're the only part that's exciting."

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