Chapter 31

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"Love isn't something you find. Love is something that finds you." - Loretta Young


I remember the day when I first laid my eyes on those pair of mesmerizing heterochromatic eyes, my heart malfunctioned. My heart started beating abnormally faster, it almost hurt; I almost couldn't breathe.

Whenever he touched me, it sent a pang of electricity that can supply a village for years. The sensation was too much, too much that it almost burned my skin. However, it also had the good kind.

His voice... it shuts down my system and I involuntarily lose myself into that melody. He plays a music that can be his own. And only I, was hearing it at the moment.

And those voracious lips that always screamed dominance and danger... And in the very moment he sealed me, my soul left my body but he somewhat managed to pull my consciousness back inside me to keep me alive.

His only existence was enough to kill and keep me alive at the same time.

"Mnn..." I couldn't help but to let out a soft moan against his mouth as I dropped the red fabric and my hands traveled to wrap it around his neck, my eyes seem to have a mind of its own for they slowly closed by themselves.

I heard him smirk right after that unusual sound escaped my lips and that made him deepen the kiss even more.

I didn't felt attacked, I didn't felt like he was forcing me into doing this... He was kissing me so passionately that I can almost remember the last time I felt that sensation.

He bit my lower lip a little hard and it earned a gasp from me, a slight stinging sensation erupted on the bitten part then I tasted a metallic substance and I think that was my blood.

He pulled away and we panted like like crazy, he rested his forehead on mine as we catch our breaths and stared at each other's eyes as we do so.

"Did you feel that?" he whispered in between our pants and I felt blood climb up to my cheeks at the sensual sound.

"That... hurts..." I whispered but then he only responded with a smirk and silenced me once again with a kiss.

He sucked my bottom lip gently and kissed all of the pain away. I couldn't explain what I was feeling at the moment. It's like we had our own world and rhythm. My mind was completely blank. I didn't know how much time has passed... it could have been seconds, minutes or hell, even hours. However, I neither cared nor wanted to think and worry about anything. But there was only one thing that registered in my whole system...

I was kissing Seijuro Akashi...


"What am I doing in here again?" I asked myself as I just found myself sitting on the certain green grass, beside me was my typical grandfather whose focus was on me instead of the shogi board in front of him. He wore that usual smirk on his lips and I raised an eyebrow in question.

"I can't blame you, sweetheart," My grandfather laughed as he stood up and sat in front of me. "I mean, I know what a kiss feels like but seriously?" he inched his face to me and wiggled his eyebrows. "Couldn't handle all of the hotness so you fainted?"

I gasped in shock and slapped his arm, earning a whine from him. "Wait, you were watching us?!" I shrieked as I was feeling the urge to crawl under a rock and die of embarrassment.

"That hurts, you know." he complained with an eye roll as he rubbed the part I hit. "So, did you like it?" he asked with a teasing tone.

I frowned in annoyance and confusion. "What?" I demanded.

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