Chapter 10

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"Sendo-san, this is so unusual of you," Kurosawa-sensei commented whilst his eyes focused on my quiz paper. I felt all of the heads of my classmates darted to me. "Six mistakes, this is a first."

Yes, Akashi had that much effect on me that I became oblivious to my studies.

My father is going to kill me. No, that was an understatement. He was going to torment me and rip me to pieces.

I shrugged and sighed. I didn't bother to listen to the whole class. I completely zoned out of the world.

After class, I was on cleaning duty and as usual, I was the one left alone because I was slow.

I pulled out my phone, remembering Sana-san. Her curly brown hair and bright green eyes that was warm and welcoming. I wanted to greet and talk to her, if possible, share my heart break.

"Yuri-chan!" Sana-san's cheerful voice sang. "You called, it's been a while!"

I smiled. "Yes, I'm sorry I've been busy lately."

"It's alright, dear. So, how are you?"

"Just fantastic," I tried making my voice sound energetic but I was not a good voice actress. "I'm sorry,"

"Why do you keep on apologizing?" Sana-san chuckled. "Do you have a problem? You can tell me anything, dear." Her soothing voice made me teary eyed. She was the warmest person I had ever met. I have never opened up to my parents. It feels uncomfortable despite the fact.

I blinked back the tears. "It's him." I whispered.

"Him? The boy you've been telling me about?"

I nodded even though she didn't see it. "Yes," A tear rolled down my cheek. I couldn't contain my tears anymore so I let it flow freely. "He figured out my secret."

"What secret, dear?" Sana-san asked, her voice laced with concern.

I swallowed and looked at the window, staring at the sky. I sighed. "I'm in love with him." I whispered the words I'm afraid she didn't hear it.

"Did you tell him?"

"He knew," I sobbed as I keep my focus on the sky through the window. "He just knew." I wiped my tears away but more kept coming. "He knows everything."

"He knows everything?" Her voice sounded like she couldn't believe at what I told her. "That's impossible, Yuri-chan."

"He is Seijuro Akashi," I blurted out his name. "He's... absolute." I stated and covered my mouth as tears kept coming. "He warned me, Sana-san, to not fall in love with him but guess what I did? I did fell for him before I even knew it! I never intended to, I just got attached too easily... This is the very first time I felt stupid because I fell in love with someone so out of my reach." I chuckled lowly and bit my lower lip. "Even so, he's cruel yet kind at the same time. My father wanted me to hate him but I did the other way around and I-" I stopped, noticing that I had been talking senseless. "I'm sorry, Sana-san."

"Yuri-chan," Sana-san cooed.

I smiled and sighed. "I guess I just have to-"

I stopped talking and turned around because I felt someone watching me. I was beyond shocked. My eyes were so wide I'm afraid my eyes would pop out of its sockets.

"S-Sana-san..." I whispered.

"Yes, dear?"

"I'll call you back."

I didn't wait for her to reply, I just quickly cut the call and stared at those heterochromatic eyes that was staring deadly at me.

"How long have you been there?" I asked him as my hands automatically went up to my face to wipe the tears away.

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