Chapter 34

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"Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense." - Mark Overby


I knew it right from the moment when my instincts told me, that he'll become a big part of my life. Because I had never felt so attracted to a stranger even at first sight. It's like there were ropes that bound us together right from the start.

I realized it when I just found myself kissing him back, I was already half in love with him.

I have never felt so much bliss when I finally told him how I've felt. It feels like the weight on my shoulders were lifted up and I'd never felt this better. I woke up, terrified because I realized that I'm slowly falling for him.

Falling in love with him was always a spur of the moment.

I know I did loved him in the past, it was all proven on the letter. However, I thought that I don't love him that much to compose such letter with so much devotion and dedication towards him.

I love him, yes, but not like how I did back then.

I felt something warm envelope my left hand, which made me turn my head to the side and see the handsome redhead, giving me a supportive smile.

We are right in front of my house.

I tried to return the smile and he sensed that it was forced. He cannot blame me though, mixed emotions were devouring my soul. I feel so anxious, worried and scared of what would happen if we come pass these doors. My hands were trembling in a jittery manner, and that made him tighten his hold on my hand even more. It was as if he was irritated by the way my hands aren't staying still.

I don't know of what to say, what to do and what to think. I can't think of a lucid statement to say to my parents. A lucid way to say that... I fell in love with him again.

"That is why I'm here," He suddenly stated and it made me look at him. "I'll be your strength."

I looked at the familiar wooden front door in front of me then down to my feet. "I don't know..." I mumbled with a voice so low, I'm afraid that he didn't hear it. "I'm scared."

Right after those fading words escaped my mouth, he removed his hand that was devouring mine and it traveled on the way to my shoulders. He made me face him and look into those deep eyes of galaxies. "Don't be," He said firmly, as if it was an order. "I believe in you."

Of course, all of those were just a fruit of my imagination.

I am right in front of my house.

It was fine with me to face them alone, however, I'm sure that I'll feel reassured when he was with me. As he said, he believed in me. He believed that I didn't need him for the matter. And he was so wrong to say that. The truth was... I'm so scared to death.

"You don't need me," He says. "You're stronger than you think."

"I'm not strong," I denied with a desperate shake of my head. "The real me is weak and powerless."

He just replied with a tightlipped smile and shook his head as if what I said was wrong. He had his own problems, responsibilities and errands to run. And I fear that I'll just become a burden to him. And that fear alone led me to decide to go on alone. I don't want to always depend on him.

"Yu-Yurika-sama..." A shocked voice snapped me out of my trance.

I lifted my head to see a familiar young woman with that straight black hair and wide green eyes who was staring at me with a bewildered expression.

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