Chapter 14

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"Love is blind. It will take over your mind. What you think is love, is truly not. You need to elevate your mind." - Eve


"Wait, what?" Katou-kun took the words right out of my mouth. His eyes were so wide I'm afraid that his eyeballs would come out of its sockets. He dared to look back at me, his eyes slightly glassy. "Is... Is it true, Yurika-san?"

I gulped. I didn't know what to say. What the hell was Akashi thinking?

"I'm... I'm sorry," I stuttered and it was Katou-kun's cue to leave because he might burst into tears at any moment. I really felt bad. I nudged Akashi on the arm. "What-What was that for?" I asked, completely in disbelief. "You just broke his heart!"

Akashi raised an eyebrow at me. "Didn't you already broke his heart a million times yet he was still persevering to take you?" Akashi asked with a deadpanned expression but then smirked. "Besides, you no longer have to worry about him bothering you."

Because you're going to bother me instead? I'd be more than happy.

Seriously, when he entered my life, it had been a complete disaster!

A loving disaster.

"Why? Did it affect you when I said that I love you?" He asked once again and those three words that left his mouth made my world stop and then spin rapidly.

I pouted and crossed my arms, looking away then snorted. "Why would it affect me? You don't even mean it," I emphasized the word and I just found myself wishing that it was true.

Akashi just smirked at me. "Do you want me to mean it?"

I gulped and felt a blush crept to my cheeks. "Stop it," I mumbled.

"Stop what?"

"That," I bit my lower lip. "Saying such ridiculous things."

"I don't take orders from anyone." He stated as a matter-of-factly.

I pouted once again. I wasn't ordering him or anything. "Okay, fine." I looked at him and sighed. "I need to go. I guess I'll see you... tomorrow." And with that, I walked away from him but I knew that he watched me as I leave.

What was he thinking? Why did he go claim me to be his out of the blue? Was it really to help me? Did he really meant those words that I have been yearning for him to say to me?

Perhaps not. I just remembered his warnings to me a few weeks ago that he will never reciprocate my feelings for him. But by what he did back there, it sent a pang of hope inside me... that maybe... just maybe... there's a chance that he'll love me back.

Oh, Akashi...

"Yu-chan!" Someone called out and there's only one guy I know that calls me by that nickname.

"Kotaro," I blurted out as I turned around to meet him.

"Yu-chan! Is it true?"

"What's true?" I asked him with a confused expression.

"You and Akashi..." Then he sticked his two index fingers together.

I blushed. "What? No! No!" I denied quickly, waving my hands in front of him. "Where did you heard that?"

"I was walking around with Reo-nee and Ei-chan when we heard you and Akashi being talked about." Kotaro explained quickly. "Then we heard that you two are dating and stuff."

Rumors sure spread like a virus.

"It's not true, Kotaro," I smiled weakly. "Besides, Akashi would never like me."

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