Chapter 22

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"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." - Lao Tzu


For the 2 months I've been awake with a new identity, my fiance had always been by my side from that day on, he had always been sweet and gentle to me.

Today, only today, that it felt like he was a complete different person.

And today, I finally had a glimpse of his dark side... or quite possibly, his true colors.

"S-Sei-chan?" The raven haired male and the rest of the guys gasped from behind us, fear evident in their expressions.

The redhead in front of us let out a very dark chuckle, the kind of chuckle that sends chills down your spine and you wouldn't dare do anything that would make anyone like him let out such scary sound.

"If I tell you, then I'll have to kill you." He stated with that little devil's smirk of his, but his eyes held a different meaning. It was as if he was dead serious about it. "I'll forgive you this time, however, there will not be a second chance..." He trailed off, his face turned dead serious and it frightened me. I gazed at my fiance who was shooting daggers at the unknown redhead ordering him. "I order you to release her." He emphasized the words.

Yuta-kun snort-laughed. "Letting her go would be a nightmare," He informed the redhead, dared to disobey him. "I'll never let her go."

The redhead arched an eyebrow then the smirk returned to his face. "You dare to defy me, peasant?"

Yuta-kun's eyes narrowed as his hold on my hand got even tighter that I'm sure it's gonna earn a bruise later. "What did you say?" He demanded.

My heart beat accelerated as I wince in absolute pain. I bit my lower lip as I was feeling so nervous at the scene in front of me. And it seemed that the guys from behind us didn't want to dare to interrupt either.

"I dare you to say it again," Yuta-kun demanded, through gritted teeth. His hold on my hand got even tighter and I bowed my head down as I bit my lips harder, trying not to let out a whimper of pain.

"Release her," The redhead repeated slowly, emphasizing every word. And amusement was clear in his voice, enjoying the look of anger on Yuta-kun's face. "Peasant."

"Why, you--"

I held Yuta-kun's hand with my trembling free hand that was torturing mine, cutting off his sentence. "Y-Yuta-kun..." I whimpered and his hold on my hand slightly loosened, realizing that the anger that he had been holding in was affecting me. "Release me..."

"I'm so sorry, Yuri," His voice changed back to its usual sweet tone. "I hurt your hand..."

I ignored his apology and breathed out as I raised my head to look into his brown eyes. "Release me." I stated firmly and his eyes shot up in surprise.

I don't want any trouble... so might as well give him what he wants.


And before he could retort, I stopped him. "Please, for me."

He stared at me for a few moments before he slowly released his hold on me, letting out a meek groan. He turned to face the redhead in front of us and was surprised when he was already in front of him.

"What would you like as a form of punishment?" The redhead asked the guy in front of him, a smirk of triumph plastered on his face.

Yuta-kun glared at him and I quickly stepped in between them, facing the redhead. "P-Please," I stuttered, and I cursed myself for it. He had that enchanting gaze on me that's making my heart beat thrice as faster. "He had done what you want... c-could we please leave?" I asked him with a meek voice.

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