Chapter 9

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This chapter is dedicated to @MysteriousHeavenGirl because your comment at the previous chapter relating to Fifty Shades of Grey was pretty hilarious. I think I'd consider making another Akashi fanfic making him a dominant XD there is seriously something wrong with me. HIGH FIVE, GIRL! :D

So, ehem, I'm pretty speechless about my OC. I WANNA SMACK HER ON THE HEAD. TOOK YA LONG ENOUGH!

Thank you for reading! Comment/vote or anything! Lemme know your thoughts on this story! :D


"No." I answered curtly, I'm quite surprised that I didn't stutter nor shakiness drop off.

Akashi smirked. "Is that so? Well then, I'm glad." He muttered, his voice like chocolate.

I raised an eyebrow. "Why are you glad?"

"Because if I do affect you, you will regret feeling it. So while it's still early, I am going to warn you," My mouth opened to say something but then he cut me off. "Be quiet." He ordered.

I narrowed my eyes at him. I wanted to say to get his hands off of me because I needed to distance myself away from him. We can talk normally, my sense of understanding seem to drop at a certain percentage because I was distracted at our close contact. I can almost feel his hot breath on my face.

"Do not fall in love with me." He muttered, but it was loud and clear for my ears. My eyes widened in shock and disbelief. That was the last thing I'd expect him to say.

When he noticed that I was too shock to even say anything, he continued. "You will regret it if you do. Because I have no intention of reciprocating whatever feelings you have for me, we both know that."

I couldn't think straight. His words sent a pang of ache throughout my chest. I realized that my lungs are whining due to lack of air, I had stopped breathing for a moment. My world stopped spinning and got lost in those sea of bloody and golden eyes. How did he know that I was starting to feel something for him? Was it readable on my face? Was it the way I talk to him? My gestures? Was it really that obvious?

Oh, he was absolute... he knew everything.

"Why are you telling me this?" It barely came out as a whisper.

"Lately, I have been noticing these signs that indicate you feel something for me and I want to get rid of it while it is yet to bloom." He explained with a nonchalant expression. "And I am not interested in anything aside from shogi and basketball." He added.

"Do..." I swallowed and looked down at my feet. "Do you hate me?"

"No, I don't. Hate is such a strong word." He tightened his grip on my wrist enough to make it hurt a little. But that minor pain is nothing compared to the heavy feeling in my chest. "It would be more accurate to say I am not very fond of you."

He said those words clearly and flawlessly it sounds scripted. It was as if he had recited those words so many times before. I was not the only girl he had rejected. He was Seijuro Akashi. He was perfect. I'm sure if I look up the meaning of that word, there would be a picture of him on the side staring deadly at you.

But wait, did I just said that he rejected me? Do I even like him? Did I even admit it?

But I've heard enough. I didn't want to ask any more questions. His statements and warnings were more than enough to complement my already aching heart.

This boy in front of me, his rugged yet frigid features that always had me wondering what was hiding behind them. And he made it clear to me that no matter what happens, he won't ever reciprocate whatever I was feeling for him. But wait, what did I even feel for him?

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