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"True love doesn't happen right away; it's an ever-growing process. It develops after you've gone through many ups and downs, when you've suffered together, cried together, laughed together." - Ricardo Montalban


I hummed an unfamiliar tune as I was sewing my son's school uniform. I saw his shirt's button slightly loose so I decided to sew it. I admit that this would be my first time to sew clothes and I better make haste with this because--

"Mom," a calm voice spoke out that made me snap out of my trance.

I stopped whatever I was doing and lifted my head to look at my son, who looked like a mini version of my husband. "Oh, hi dear. Are you done with your homework?" I asked with a bright smile and prevented the urge to pinch his cheeks and hug him to death.

"Yes," he affirmed then shifted his gaze towards the item I was holding. His cute face fell into a small frown then his head slightly tilted to the side, showing confusion. "Why are you sewing my shirt?" He asked with a quizzical tone.

I started to think that maybe, just maybe an old man possessed him because he acted surprisingly matured for his age. But then I realized, that these sides he was showing today reminded me of a certain someone.

Not only does he look identical to his father, but also... he thinks a lot like his father.

"Oh, I saw the buttons on your shirt slightly loose and--"

He didn't permit me to execute my sentence for he abruptly took the white fabric from my hands then without hesitation, tossed it to the side.

"Let the maids do it." He stated then lied on the sofa, his head rested on my lap and offered me a playful smile.

"You sly little creature." I commented with a giggle then caressed his soft crimson hair.

Oh, my gosh. He looks so adorable.

"Play with me instead." He muttered after a while and my face lit up.

"Really? Let's play hide and seek!" I said, excitingly.

He chuckled dryly. "Alright, but you're it."

My face fell into a frown and I quickly shook my head. "I told you hide and seek is too troublesome!"

This mansion is too large, like too large. Large is even an understatement. And I know my son is very clever, it's impossible to find a child like him in a place like this. Besides, he'll punish me if I didn't find him so why did I even suggest that game?

"I want to play something else." He said after a while and I shifted my gaze on his face with a questioning look. I immediately tensed up because he was wearing that smirk I don't like, not even a tad bit.

"What is it?"

"Shogi." He said then sat up and looked at me as if gauging my reaction.

He always played Shogi with his father and that became their bonding. And I wonder who always won between them?

"Okay," I agreed which made him smirk in satisfaction. "But I need motivation, dear." I added with a smile then stuck my tongue out to him.

He bit his lower lip and pretended to think. That's the only trait he got from me.

"The loser gets a punishment." He stated with an innocent smile. But I can see through him, behind that cute smile is something you wouldn't want to know.

"Don't you know that your great grandfather was a professional shogi player?" I asked him with a knowing tone.

"So?" He asked just as he pulled out a shogi board from the cabinet nearby.

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