Chapter 15

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"The heart wants what it wants. There's no logic to these things. You meet someone and you fall in love and that's that." - Woody Allen



I fell in love with her.

That's something I didn't want to accept or realize at first.

How did it happen, you ask me?

She was different from the rest, that's for sure.

It makes me happy to know that I have that effect on her, making her blush even at the slightest actions.

It's a sadist feeling but it's the truth.

It makes me furious whenever some other guy talks to her, touches her and make her smile. I didn't permit them to commit such foul actions.

Only I am allowed to do that.

I was supposed to be entitled to my own belief. Victory is a given. Victory is everything in this world.

But for the very first time, I was glad that I lost.

I lost to her.

I'd lost to my feelings.

I'd lost to love.

Yurika Sendo...

She's mine and I shall eliminate anyone who dares to oppose me.


I woke up feeling myself in a soft cushion. I feel hot and my head hurts. I realized that I have fever. How did I end up in my own bedroom?

So it's all just a dream?

"Nobody shall own you except me, Yurika Sendo because... I love you... and I mean it this time."

Everything that he said; everything that he did... it was all a dream? My heart sank at the thought. My hand went up to touch my lips, my index finger tracing down my bottom lip. He kissed me in my dream, I felt the spark. I can never forget how it felt. It feels like that warm feeling of the fire when you're surrounded by the blizzard. It was all a dream but... it felt so real to me.

My phone was in my nightstand, I had forgotten to bring it along to school. I reached out to get my phone to check the time but what caught my attention was a text. From Akashi.

I opened the message and was beyond shock to what I just read.

"You're not dreaming, my love. Good night."

My eyes widened in shock to what I just read. So it wasn't a dream after all? Akashi did confessed to me? He really did loved me? He really did kissed me under the rain?

I rested my phone on my chest and stared at the ceiling, completely at lost for words and emotions. "I wasn't dreaming... Akashi really did love me." I whispered to myself and instead of squealing with joy, tears of joy pricked my eyes and flowed freely past my cheeks and soaking a part of my pillow. I closed my eyes as I smiled.

He loves me.

Seijuro Akashi loves me.

I coughed, feeling cold then turned to my side, snuggling inside the thick blankets.

Akashi... loves me.

Even with a severe headache that's ready to explode any minute now, my mind was still reminiscing the scene back in the rain. I sighed and smiled, letting sleep devour me.

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