Chapter 30

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"You know when you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." - Dr. Seuss


"I just realized..." I paused as I let the red muffler trail to the floor, my eyes following it. "I knitted the muffler for too long." I mumbled to myself.

I remember redoing the muffler a few days ago because I just don't like how it was made. And after my confession to Akashi-kun's mother, I felt the weights got off of my shoulder and I suddenly felt better. From then on, the muffler got better because I seem to get more inspired and motivated.

I put my heart and soul into making it.

I just hope that...

I sighed and folded the red muffler and put it inside the paper bag.

Will he--

I flinched at the sudden knocks on the door. The knocks were kind of desperate and it demands to be opened immediately. I rushed to open the door and it revealed Kisa who was in a state of panic.

"What's wrong--"

"We ran out of unsalted butter, confectioner's sugar, red food coloring and most importantly," she trailed off and grabbed my shoulders. "STRAWBERRIES!" She exclaimed and I let out a wry smile that made her frown in confusion. Then her eyes lit up. "Wait, could it be..." She trailed off and inched her face to me, suspicion now evident in her expression. "You ate all of the strawberries?" She eyed me as if I was a felon being interrogated.

I looked away as I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear, my smile stretching. "My bad, I couldn't help it." I chuckled and that made her eyes wide up even more if it was still possible.

"EH?" she exclaimed then shook me violently. "How could you eat a dozen of strawberries?" She asked as if eating those amount of strawberries were not a human thing to do.

"Eh... doesn't anyone?" I asked as I was starting to feel dizzy.

Kisa stopped then rubbed her temple with a smile as if she was amused by what I've done. "Well, I guess I have to run to the groceries for the ingredients, then." She muttered and before she could walk away, I stopped her.

"Let me do it, instead." I insisted with a pleading look but then Kisa just responded with a shake of her head.

"You don't--"

"Thanks! I'm gonna go grab my coat and scarf!" I cut her off as I left the door open for her an went to the closet to grab a coat and muffler.

I heard her sigh as she sat on the bed. "Well, I guess I can't stop you from doing what you want but can I at least accompany you?"

Just as I finished putting on the coat and muffler, I tied my long red hair in a high ponytail and turned to Kisa and smiled. "There's no need for that, Kisa." I tried to convince her but sighed as I didn't saw the satisfaction written in her expression. I walked towards her and set beside her. "You can just prepare the ingredients while I'm gone. I promise I'll be back before you even know it." I hugged her arm and gave her a wink to which she only sighed.

"You know that I can't resist you, right?"

I nodded and giggled. "Yes, and I'm going to use it to my advantage."

She pouted. "You're like young master at some point."

I paused at the reference and stared at the violethead I was hugging. I released my hold on her and tried to compose myself. "How so?" I drawled and she took notice of my change of mood.

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