Chapter 2

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First author's note and first Seijuro Akashi Fanfiction! Who loves Akashi-sama? I do. Lol.


We spent our weekend at our house in Tokyo. And I took it as an opportunity to go for a walk around the area. I didn't intend to buy clothes, jewelries or shoes. I am not obsessed over fashion. I wanted books; my type of genre is romance and science fiction. I'd choose them over anything because they were like my guilty pleasure. Am I such a nerd for saying that?

My eyes stopped at a local bookstore and a smile crept to my lips. I decided to go inside and sniff the air, I can already smell the fresh wood that came from the paper of the books. I've gone through the Science Fiction section, reading titles that would catch my interest.

Music and books are my only getaway from my parents.

I sighed as I continue browsing through the various bookshelves then suddenly, I accidentally end up touching a book whilst another guy was heading for it. I quickly recovered from shock and faced the tall green-haired guy with glasses. "I'm so sorry," I quickly apologized with my head down. "You can have the book if you like." I said as a form of reconciliation.

"What's your sign?" He asked an off-topic question instead.

I looked at his serious face with a creased forehead, confused. "Eh?" I blinked.

He adjusted his glasses and that's when I noticed that his fingers were taped. "What's your sign?" He asked again.

"C-Capricorn," I answered politely even though my voice sounded unsure.

"Hey Shin-chan, did you find your lucky item yet?" A guy came walking around our way holding out a large paper bag. His lips were twitching, suppressing a laugh.

What? Lucky item?

"Yeah, I just need to pay for it right now." The guy named Shin-chan informed his friend nonchalantly and proceeded to walk away.

"Um, excuse me," I called out and he peered over his shoulder as a question. "Why did you ask for my sign?"

He turned to face me, adjusting his glasses again. "Today is not your lucky day, Capricorn-san," Shin-chan said nonchalantly. "Just fortune-telling." He shrugged.

That tensed me up because at times I believed in horoscopes. "And the lucky item?" I pointed at the book he was holding.

"The Oha-Asa Horos-"

The guy beside him let out a laugh, couldn't suppress any longer.

"Sorry about my friend, Miss. He's just obsessed over Oha-Asa Horoscope TV program. He will never live in one piece if he doesn't have the lucky item of the day." The guy explained to me whilst laughing, I barely understood a word he said. "I mean, seriously? I know he can be weird at times but don't worry, he's not crazy."

"I am not weird, nanodayo!" Shin-chan retorted quickly then sighed. The last word he said got me raising an eyebrow in question. "Do whatever you want, Takao," Shin-chan scoffed then walked away to pay for the book.

I watched Shin-chan's retreating figure then faced the guy named Takao and couldn't help but chuckle. "I see. He sounds like a wonderful guy though." I gave Takao a smile to which he grinned back. "I didn't know that books can have other purposes aside from reading them." I commented, still smiling.

Takao agreed and laughed once more.

"Let's go, Takao!" I heard Shin-chan beckoned his friend to exit the bookstore.

"It was nice talking to you, Miss." He saluted me then turned on his heels and ran to catch up with his friend.

Just as they exited the bookstore, my smile disappeared just as I remembered what he said...

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