Da Random Challenge

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Hi guys! //waves

So, I was nominated in The Random Challenge by Mikeila_Mika. Thank you for the nomination! :D

This is the very first time I got nominated in this kind of challenge and I don't know where to put on my answers so I thought that I'd just post it in here. Sorry if some of you got disappointed. //peace sign

So, without further ado, let's start!

1. First letter of my legal name?

It's J... for Jocelyn.

2. Taco's or pizza?

Without any buts or hesitations, pizza! Especially the cheesy one. //suddenly craved for pizza

3. Sweet or salty?

I thought about this question for like a few minutes and since I'm into baking, I think it would be sweet //smiles

4. Favorite chocolate?

Dark chocolate. I eat them while studying and an hour before taking a test. (No wonder why I'm fat, hahaha.)

5. Favorite letter?

Well, hmm, I guess it would be A, K, L and R. //winks

6. Favorite color?

Red and baby pink.

7. Apple or Samsung?

Anything. As long as I can read Wattpad and play games. //laughs

8. Day or night?

I like the night better because it means that I can relax and feel the cold wind brush my skin. That feels good.

9. How many languages do I speak? 

English and Tagalog. I can also speak Japanese, though I'm not that fluent. Also, a little bit of French and Spanish.

10. (any question you wanna ask others) What was the first anime you have watched?

The first anime that I have watched are Mirumo de pon and Inuyasha. And I still love it.


I've had fun answering all of those questions! Now, I nominate my awesome senpais to also do Da Random Challenge! :D





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