Poultry man of lifesteal

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Spoke pov

Spoke was scouting spawn. He was a hunter on hunt. His accomplice Vortexdragon waiting on the other side of capital city.

"Spoke do you have the visual" Vortex whispered in his communicator

"Target spotted. Get in position" Spoke replied

He had his eyes on none other than Roshambogames.
Who was walking down spawn. He had no idea what was about to go down here
A little closer. Bit more .......And
"Vortex Now!!!!!!!!" He shouted

And it began. The chaos!!!!
They had successfully egged the spawn and Roshambogames. Thousands of chickens spawning every where. It was pure chaos nothing but pure chaos.

Roshambogames pov

Roshambogames was walking through spawn. The spawn was looking better than the last time he saw it. Zam had worked really hard to remove all the war debris and random neither portals etc. The deadliest smp seemed so peaceful. He breathed in the silence and the beauty.
Yet he had this nagging feeling that something was about happen. He felt so under prepared. Even his inventory was not ready for a ambush. But there very few people online right now so what could go wrong.

Then it all devolved into chaos.

And there were eggs every where from all directions thousands of eggs and chickens which spawned with them.

"What the actual hell" he shouted in confusion "Who's doing this?"

"Let's goooooo baby we got emmm" Spoke said materializing infront of him. Almost falling over laughing like a maniac.

"Let's goooooo Spoke. You should see your face Ro" Vortexdragon said appearing behind him

"Guys this is so uncalled for. Zam so worked hard cleaning spawn yesterday" Ro scolded

"Well sounds like a you problem. We are outta here. Let's go Spoke"

"Heyy get back here you two. You need to clean this up right now"

"We need to do no such things" Vortex sneakered

"Yup have fun cleaning spawn. Let's go Vortex" Spoke smirked as he stasised away. Leaving behind purple particals and an endermite.

He sighed they were not going to hear the end of this. But right now he needed to take care of the chickens.

"Hello Vitalasy. Can you and Subz come to spawn"
"We have a problem"

The purple duo pov

"Subz better get some fire res. We might end up in a fight. Ro sounded pretty upset" Vitalasy said as he and Subz ran down to spawn.

Subz nodded. They had no idea what to expect but they will soon find out

A Spawn full of chickens was not exactly what they were expecting. But here they were.
Subz sighed; this was going to be interesting.

"What the hell, Ro what happened here" vitalasy asked

"Spoke and Vortexdragon" he sighed

"Ohhhh dear lord, what are they doing now" Subz asked looking at the spawn enticed in chicken.This was gonna be a pain to clean up. No wonder Ro was upset

"I don't know Subz, I really don't know" Ro said looking over the mess.

"Don't worry we are here Ro. Let's clean this up" Vitalasy assured him

"I really appreciate this guys. I knew I could count on you" Ro said

"Let's get to work shall we? Atleast we won't have to worry about food for a couple of days" Subz said killing a couple of chickens.

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