Take it easy

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Hey guys
First of all thank you so much for your patience!!! But I am so happy to say I am back . This is my first update in a while so I really do hope you guys enjoy reading it!

Ever since the new season of Lifesteal started Clown had been excited to play on the server. Since season four he didn't really log on much he had big plans for this season. A fresh start for him, and things were already looking good. He was teamed with Leo and Minute no doubt two of the best players on the server. Especially Minutetech, since Clown knew him for a long time, he wanted to make sure that Minute felt welcome on the server. Afterall lifesteal can get pretty intense sometimes. And the server itself can be pretty demanding. Clown, himself had so much pressure to be the deadliest player that he could imagine what Minute might be going through. It's hard for the new players in general but it's harder for someone like Minute who already has an established reputation in PvP and overall game sense. And Clown had noticed how Minute always stayed late practicing or how much he helped around the base, he was always grinding. It maybe building a new farm or just mining. It was something all too familiar to Clown. And he wanted to make sure that his friend doesn't have to deal with the same things he had to face in the past.
"Hello Minutetech" Clown greeted as he entered the base. Minute was as usual busy grinding extra gear sets. Trading pumpkins and melons to the villagers, "hey Clown" he said without looking up.
"So I have meaning to get myself some new armour trims, since you guys have been complaining so tirelessly about my outfit."
"Well you do look like a banana peel" Minute teased, knowing full well how much it annoyed Clownpierce, "Glad that you are finally accepting it."
"I am not accepting anything of this sort, it's just I need a break from your constant criticism" Clown fired back, "anyways I want to go to the ancient city, to get some silence trims, want to join me?"
"Can't you go on your, like aren't you supposed to be the best player on the server or something."
"Okay I am not scared of wardens if that's what you are implying, I just am too bored to go alone."
"But I am grinding extra gear sets just incase..."
"Come on how much more gear can you need? Don't you have enough already?" Clown questioned, he really wasn't going to take no for an answer. Seeing as though Minute wasn't going to win this debate, he had no option but to concede. Besides he was bored too, grinding as much as it is necessary wasn't a very interesting process. The villagers never co-operate and farming pumpkins and melons isn't exactly the definition of fun. But deep dark on the other can definitely get the adrenaline pumping, something Minute needed in that moment.
"Alright bet!" Minute said finally, wrapping things up in the base. It took him a few minutes to organise his inventory and then off they were to the deep dark. The PMC base was located in a desert so needed to travel quite a few blocks out in order to find a mountain with an ancient city which was unexplored by other players. After about an hour or so of searching they finally had one. "Wow that took longer than expected!" Minute exclamation, "I hope you have plenty of wool on you"
"Ummm yeah!"
"Clown! you don't sound very reassuring right"
"Don't worry about it!" Clown brushed off.
"I don't want to lose a heart to a stupid Warden"
"It will be alright, trust me" Clown reassured, he could understand Minute's anxiety but that was the entire point of the trip to get Minute finally loosen up a little.
So they began their little adventure, raiding the city, although the two of them had done this about a hundred times before. This was still a lot of fun and maybe with a couple of close calls here and there but we don't talk about those.
"10 god apples from just this ancient city, that has to be a record of some kind" Minute said looking through his inventory.
"I think I have had more luck in the past but it's crazy and we got the armour trims" Clown replied.
"Yeah. I have to say this was the most fun i had in a while" Minute smiled, ever since joining the server, his goals had been clear; get ti twenty hearts as soon as possible. And not die. But perhaps he had become too obsessed with these goals. When he was added to the server, he was put on the same level as some of the best players on the smp, he just wanted to prove himself. And if that wasn't already the case Clownpierce himself had invited him to join his team, maybe the strongest team on the server. And Minutetech just wanted to live up to that. There was this hanging sword on his neck constantly reminding him of his insecurities.
"I am glad you had fun Minute. You know it was hard to see you so stressed out all the time. I know Lifesteal can be hectic but I just hope that you are able to have fun here. We all do. Trust me the server is much more than stealing hearts and revenge." Clown said sympathetically. It's so easy to get caught up in things especially in such a competitive environment and that can make one feel inadequate, like we are never good enough, Clown knew these emotions all too well. He remembered the countless hours of grinding he had once put in but now he had realised that maybe it wasn't worth it after all. Because looking back all he could remember were the time he spent with these people and all the laughs they had. He hoped Minute could see this too.
"When I joined the server the first day, I felt like I had so much to prove. And i feel like I still do. There's a lot to accomplish here and sometimes I fear that if I don't do everything I set out to do, I would fail in some ways" Minute replied.
"Season three and season two, I used grind hours and hours on this server, just to prove that I am the deadliest player but that only led me to being burnt out. We have all these ambitions and we get so focused on them that we forget to just go with the flow, we are dead set on our plans that we forget to just live in the moment enjoy and have the freedom to make mistakes, and to have fun. I know this server can be intense, but it is also full of possibilities. I am sure you will do everything set out to do, all I want to tell you is to have fun while doing it.  We are a team so you don't have to do things on your own. You can ask me or Leo, we will always be there for you." Clown reassured, he knew this was hard to hear but he truly meant every word he said.
"This means a lot coming from you Clown. I might take some time to process this. But I am truly glad that you are my teammate." Minute smiled.
"Me too Minutetech!" Clown smiled back.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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