Darkest Hour

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Note-  I have tried a new writing style for this one shot. I am still experimenting with first person pov so  if you guys have some tips for me please leave a comment :D

PS ( This takes place during season two of lifesteal.)

Parrot Pov

I gazed upon the ruined base of Poggies nation. Every corner of it in ruins, destroyed , ravaged. They had shown no mercy. A total and complete annihilation.

The MOB had struck and struck hard enough to shake the foundations of the Poggies nation. They had lost supplies, gear, hearts and everything. Yet Here I was on the cliff overlooking the remenants of what once was great nation.

"Parrot! I didn't expect to see you here" Rekrap said coming from the other side of the cliff

"Oh hey Rek." I smiled gently.

"So that happened" he said looking towards the debris.

"Yeah uhhh we had no shot dude. We weren't even expecting an attack it was all so sudden that I just couldn't do anything."

"Don't blame yourself dude. There was nothing you could have done differently." He said sympathetically. I wish I could believe him. But only I knew the truth; I could have saved many hearts today. But I was stupid and ignorant. Now it was because of me that this has happened.

"I could have listened to Spoke and maybe we could have fought back."

"Perhaps but it was us against Clownpierce. And let's be honest we know how that would have went." He said softly

"Maybe you are right Rek. But I just feel so defeated. We have nothing dude not even proper armour. This seems like the end"

"We are the Poggies Kingdom. We never give up. Parrot right now we need you more than ever Clown maybe a fighter but you are way smarter than him." He said with a lot of faith and trust.

"I couldn't even save my friends" my voice cracked. It was my fault my friends were nearly spawn killed. It was my carelessness that's what it was. I choose not listen to Spoke; I choose all of this. I couldn't hold it in me anymore.

Rek sat down on the side of the cliff, so I joined him there.
"I don't know what to do anymore Rek. I just feel so lost." I sighed

"So do what you do best" Rek said smiling softly "You might have lost your base, your gear, even your hearts but one thing you'd never lose are your friends."


"What!? What is Eimcon" Rek asked clearly confused.

"Oh you will see Rekrap, oh you will see soon" I said finally smiling after a long time.

Talking to Rek made me realise that maybe I had something more valuable than gear or hearts, I would always have my friends.

And that motivated me more than ever to make things right. But right now I would sit on top of this cliff staring at the stars with a friend by my side rather than at the ruins of our nation because we are the Poggies Kingdom and this would not be our end.

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