Just Another Day On Lifesteal

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Hey guys! I hope you all are doing well! Here's a new Rekrap angst one shot!!!!

LazyRosey thank you so much giving me this amazing idea to work on! And Happy belated birthday! I hope you had a good one :D

And Happy Reading Everyone!

Rek climbed up to the top of the spawn hill, he was here much earlier than usual so he didn't expect anyone else to be here at this hour. He could make out the outline of the Zam empire from here. The spawn was a dangerous place to be in for most of the day because of the constant threat of the cleansers. The rumour was that the cleansers can three shot a player. He personally hadn't interacted with them. But everyone on the server was talking about them. He didn't really care about all that right then. He took of his armour and set it aside rarely on the server he was out of the diamond gear. He breathed in the fresh air. This was it; today was the day, his birthday. He didn't know what it was about birthdays but they always felt a little bittersweet to him. Maybe it was the fact that with each passing year he changed so much especially last year had grown so much. He was a bit more taller now; his PvP skills had improved and he really had made a name for himself in the past couple of years "the un-trapable player"  lifesteal was such a significant part of his life, it has somehow become his identity in a sense.

The sky had began to lighten, it was almost morning now, Rek had been at the pog hill for a good two hours now. Maybe it was time to head back. Back where he wondered. It's not like he had a team to go back to. Sure he was the part of the dirties but it was just an alliance; all very formal and professional. His former team the poggies were all split up. Spoke was a cleanser. Ro had his own thing going on. Vortex was hidding as he was on low hearts and Parrot. Well things were complicated between them. He had tried to trap him and kill him a bunch of times, Rek really didn't want to confront Parrot right now. Other players he really didn't trust them given the war that was going on. He really didn't have a choice here. Unwilling he went back to the dirties base. He sighed of relief no one was at the base. There were a bunch of redstone contraptions and components lying around. Looked like Clown and Red had been working on something. He carefully avoided the mess not wanting to disturbe anything making his way around the base. He looked through the chests which were mostly empty and had almost nothing but junk in them. Aimless wandering wasn't going to do something Rek thought. He needed to do something, but what? Nobody on the smp had cared enough to remember his birthday or else they would have texted him by now or came looking for him or something but by the looks of it they all had forgotten;even his former teammates. They were all too busy doing their own things. He didn't want to blame them either the whole Cleansing had everyone on their absolute nerves. But that didn't help him feel any better. He wasn't upset with his friends, he still had some hope that they might remember; but he was mad at the situation. Rek wished for the things to be different. He wished this war would end soon. He was tired of it all.

"Branzycraft was slain by Spokeishere"

The communicator buzzed. Rek sighed this day wasn't going to get any better if anything it just got worse.  He silenced his messages. People would be coming back soon he didn't feel like interacting with them. He should leave right now. He took off his armour for the second time and popped an invis pot just in case. The only place he could think of was going back to his own secret base. He wasn't very fond of the idea but he really wasn't in any mood to fight today. At the least he could relax and maybe maybe do something for himself. Oh God move and leave before anyone come here he said to himself bitterly. Clenching his teeth he made his through the nether portal. He was tempted to look at his communicator which laid silently in his inventory but decided against it. He moved quitely through the deepslate tunnel of the nether hub until he reached a secluded spot and dug down to reach his nether portal. He was home. It wasn't much just some chests with extra gear, supplies his bed and some furnaces and smokers. His dog Milo ran to him as soon as he as he entered through the portal. Rek bent down and gave him a hug. Putting the dog down Rek removed his armour and put it on the armour stand before jumping straight into his bed. Milo jumped on his chest clearly confused because of Rek's unusual behaviour, he never ignored his dog like that. Rek scratched behind Milo's ears as he closed his eyes to hold back his tears. He wished at least someone would have remembered his birthday but they were all busy fighting war. Hopelessly he turned on his communicator one last time that day only to see a bunch of messages accompanied with couple of more deaths.
"Lifesteal is a part of me" He said "and this is just another day on lifesteal."

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