Capture The Flag

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Authors note: this one shot took extremely long to write. This Idea has been playing around my head for a while. So I hope you guys enjoy it! Besides this is heavily inspired from Parrot's video. Credits to @CrystalCupidUwU for suggesting the perfect characters for this one shot.

Art credit: @cogmented

(P.S considering there is a prox chat in this one shot.)

"make sure you have loads of invise on you. We are winning this" Branzy whispered to Spepticle. They were playing capture the flag against Clown, Ash and Mapic. Now that's not fair. But they couldn't complain as the teams were selected using a spin wheel. Luckily they had Parrot on their team at least someone who was good at PvP but what can one player do against three people. No they had to win using their wits and not just raw strength.
Both teams had two hours to prepare a flag defence. And then it was time for the players to attack. Clown's team was going for a pretty straight forward design, "We can have a bunch of like traps and stuff and then me and Clown guarding the flag" Mappic said.

The other team chose a little more indirect approach. One that they weren't really sure of, as their entire plan depended on the element of surprise.

Soon the time came; both teams were ready with their defences and the hour of action was upon them.

Ash began to move towards the enemy territory. He kept reporting every detail to his team mates just in case he needed to be stasis out of there. Parrot, Branzy and Spepticle were known for their cunning traps and tricks so he had to be careful. He knew although the other team wasn't as good in PvP they were really smart. He knew he had to expect the unexpected here. But while he was imagining some crazy void trap or complicated redstone contraption, all he could see was Parrot standing beside the flag alone. No traps nothing the flag was out in the open.

«Guys the flag is open» He messaged Clown and Mapic. What was the game plan here.

"Hello Ashwag" Parrot said coldly enough to make Ash shiver "you must be wondering what is going on here. Well my friend let me tell you. You see our flag here is fake."

Fake, fake it couldn't be fake surely Parrot must be bluffing.

"Now you must be thinking that I am bluffing well that's where this gets interesting Ashwag. You could choose to believe me or not, I may be bluffing I may not be bluffing."

"So parrot let us assume this is a copy, how do we know which flag is the real flag."

"Well it's simple the real flag has a blue dot in the centre, this one doesn't. Now I could very well be lying to you for all I know the real flag might be the one without the blue dot but that's for you to find out now"

"Now what are we doing here Parrot? Why haven't you started fighting me? Wait are you trying to buy time for Branzy and Spepticle to go get our flag is that what's going on here!?!"

Clown and Mapic stood their ground so far no one came for their flag.
Ash had told them that Parrot was alone guarding their flag meaning Branzy and Spepticle were heading their way. Although none of them could take on Clown and Mapic, pride always comes before the fall.

"Wait I hear someone digging up towards us, but let's wait and see, this could be a trap" Clown said.

And soon enough Spepticle appeared right in front of them. This was definitely something none of them were expecting. Clown was sure that they might try to invise, try to snatch the flag and then stasis away but a full on confrontation that was new.

"Spepticle what an unexpected surprise!" Mappic said "so what's your plan, distract us while Branzy grabs the flag and runs. Is that what you are going to do?"

"Well as you can see I am all alone a perfect chance to quick drop me. You know it, I know it. But what's the fun in that. I am pretty sure that Ashwag has told you about the entire fake flag situation"

"Yes he mentioned that" Clown said, he had a bad feeling about this. Spepticle somehow didn't look nervous. He wasn't scared they definitely had some sort of plan. Besides where Branzy was he wondered and what tricks did he have up his sleeves?

"But this is where this gets even more fun, I have on me a flag" Spepticle continued, setting down a flag "now the question is whether I have the real flag or Parrot has the real flag."

"Or we could just kill you" Mapic said bringing his sword out.

"Sure but how would you know where the real flag I mean it could very well be with Branzy or it could be right in front of your eyes"

"You know what Spepticle" Clown said after a long pause, "I know this isn't the real flag. And you know why because we could just kill you and find out. If it is real as soon as we get it we will have then we would already win. No this is too easy it can't be the real flag, so Spepticle looks like your plan is foiled and now it's time to die."

"Well you are correct Clown but unfortunately it is where we part ways Goodbye."

*Clownpierce was blown up by Branzy*
*Mappic was blown up by Branzy*

"Wait what!" Ash stuttered. He had not been expecting that. He looked at Parrot who was smiling with relief.

"Well Ash looks like you should have just attacked me when you had the chance"

"Wait Parrot! How?"

"Well you see we knew you guys would come in expecting some sort of elaborate trap around our flag. So seeing it smack down in the open would throw you off. That was the first element of surprise, next we knew that if I told you the flag was fake you would of course get paranoid. This could have gone one or two ways. One where you would attack me or second where you would try to catch my bluff. I am glad it went the other way. You were right I was trying to buy my team mates time, to activate the trap and destroy your flag"

"How did they do it though?" Ashwag asked, still confused by what happened.

"Well you see instead of spending two hours defending our flag, we used that time to trap yours."

"So that was your plan to rig our flag with TNT. I guess this is it then. You guys technically won. GG!"

"We won Branzy! Branzy we won" Spepticle screamed.

"We did it!" Branzy celebrated with him. They did it against all odds. It felt good to win. This gave 'let's go out with a bang' a whole new meaning.

"That was some impeccable timing dude. Like activating the trap and pulling the stasis at the same time" Spepticle said.

"We did it, I cannot believe it worked. All that work paid off. You know taking the risk, digging around the enemy base rigging it with TNT mine carts all the while Clownpierce, Ashwag and Mapic were just above us and finally the satisfaction of killing two of the best players and winning the whole thing!" Branzy exclaimed beyond happy. This goes to prove smart and witty can best strong and powerful!

"So did you take the screenshots!" Spepticle asked slyly.

"Of Course, besides I don't know if I can ever kill Clown again" Branzy said smiling, he had earned the bragging rights of a lifetime.

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