Baby Parrot

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Note : this is a hurt /comfort fic.
This is inspired by one of Spoke's 1000 mob video.
Art by: Blue inking

Parrot Pov

Parrot was working in his lab. He was this close to finding a new mob recipe. He could feel it; the excitement the chase.
Him and spoke against their friends with an army of mobs. Just a few more steps, a little bit of mixing and matching. He was so close........

BANG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spoke Pov

Parrot was busy working in his lad finding a new recipe which was good but that also meant Spoke had nothing to do. And honestly he was getting tired of just sitting around.

He sighed to himself but just when he thought things couldn't get anymore interesting he heard a loud noise coming from the lab

Something had gone wrong. He quickly equipped his gear and started sprinting towards the lab.
A million thoughts rushing through his head all at once

Were they getting ambushed? Had the enemies found their hideout? Was it TNT explosion?

He needed to get to the lab as soon as possible.

Parrot Pov

Something had gone wrong with the recipe. It had somehow backfired and caused a massive explosion. He was covered in wired sticky stuff. Not just that he was well short; his body was hurting and he was feeling dissy

Tears started pouring down his face and now he was full on crying. He tried to hold it in but that just made him sob even more

And that's when spoke entered the lab.

Spoke Pov

"Parrot!? Parrot are you alright"
No response. Although he could hear something almost crying

Spoke entered the lab . It was a mess there were items lying on the floor looked like a chest blew or something and right in the middle of the mess was a certain someone.
Parrot was a child; no easy way of saying that and he was crying.
His face was red, tears smeared on his cheeks.
It was quite the sight. Spoke had not once thought he would see something quite like this. Parrot was a child. No fricking way. Uhhhh ohhhh this had gone horribly wrong. But he needed to act quick. Spoke quickly picked Parrot in his arms. Hugging him softly
He whispered
"Hey there buddy are you alright"

"No Spoke do I look alright to you. I am so short and i feel so icky and dizzy and it hurts"

" Whoa there buddy; you might be a child but you are still bossy as hell" Spoke said.

"I am not bossy and I am definitely not a child" He said wiping his tears

" Awwwww look at you. All grown up" he teased Parrot

"Hey stop that I don't like this" Parrot huffed in frustration, forgetting he was crying just a minute ago.

"Alright big man how about we get you all cleaned up"

"That sounds good" Parrot wispered

"And then we will find an adult. Because let's be honest I cannot be trusted with children"

Author's note: there is a part two coming out for this chapter. So stay tuned for that :D
PS: I could not think of a title for this story so if you have one please leave your suggestion in the comments

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