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Hey guys, I hope you guys are doing well!

I am back with another one shot. This one is heavily inspired from Parrot's wormhole video. It is a bit angsty but not too much.

I hope guys like it.

Spawn had never looked worse on lifesteal. Random bedrock clusters appeared all over; barrier blocks and end portal frames as well. There were explosion holes all around him; everywhere Parrot looked he saw destruction. There were guns and armour that made you invincible. Many small fights were breaking out, and many new faces mingled with some old ones surrounding him. Yet engulfed within all this chaos Parrot felt lonely. He had been running forever, he was extremely exhausted. His team mates weren't doing any better. They all had been hunted down by eighty something people with super powers and the worst part was that this was orchestrated by his best friend someone he trusted from the day one of the server. They say 'betrayal rarely comes from your enemy' about a year ago this would have meant nothing to him but now he felt these words recochet in his mind. All he knew that he had to survive this madness which was in some ways his own doing. Spoke blamed him for leaving NPPP. For not trying his hardest to stick to their principles. And in all fairness he was right. Parrot left Nppp when he fought Woogie on one heart but after that he didn't really rejoin Nppp despite Spoke asking him to. He and Spoke had accomplished a lot during their time in Nppp that was undeniable but they also had the best time doing it. And maybe he really was the one to be blamed for everything that was happening. This all happened because he betrayed Spoke. Was he the reason for all this? Was he to be blamed for all that happened? All these thoughts swirled through Parrots head. He felt weak and defeated. For the first time in his life he felt as if he had no where to go. He wanted to end this. Spoke was beyond powerful now, and there was no way for Parrot to stop him. Even the bet he made with Spoke he knew he couldn't win. All that was left to do was to stare into the void and start over. Because he didn't have any other choice. Maybe in a different universe he could have won, using exploits. Maybe in other timelines he could have been right beside Spoke. But in this reality this was how it ended. And he wouldn't change a thing. Spoke was the antagonist of this story but in his place he was justified. Maybe Parrot was to be blamed for all of this. Maybe he betrayed Spoke by not upholding the Nppp but the thing about betrayals is, that they are a part of lifesteal that was just how the server worked. Some  you could spot from miles away, some you don't even notice even if they were right infront of you. And in that moment all Parrot felt was respect. He felt respect for the dedication and commitment Spoke put in this project, because without him the server would have never experienced a night like this even if that meant getting betrayed. Because at the end staring in the face of the abyss Parrot found in his heart that he could after all forgive Spoke.

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