Ride or Die

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This story was requested by PandaLiz17 a while back, I finally found the inspiration to finish.
So here's a purple duo one shot.
I hope you enjoy reading it :D

Vitalasy had been playing on the lifesteal smp for a long time. He had witnessed a lot of things betrayal, murder and even wars. It truly was the deadliest minecraft server as they say. Because on this server whenever you die you lose a heart and whenever you kill someone you gain a heart. But the server was now in ruins where once laid the spawn was now a desolate waste land destroyed by Withers which still remained to this day. And Vitalasy couldn't help but look back and remember all the good times they had on lifesteal. Because what laid in front of him was his worst fear the end of the server. The start of the server Vitalasy had been a lone wolf allied with Parrot's team. He only helped a little in wars but mainly survived on his own but that all changed when Clownpierce came and along with many new people came around two of them being ItzSubz and ItsOasis. These two people changed his entire life on the server. So many memories rushed to his mind. But what's the use. Nothing can fix the damage. And somewhere maybe Vitalasy was to blame, he had been the reason Roshambogames and Mapicc rose to the power. Had he not given them those six hearts perhaps the smp would have been a better place. But at that time that was the right thing to do. Betrayal he was no stranger to betrayal but this wound cut deeper than others. Maybe it was time to say goodbye and So here he was prepared to meet someone who had been his ride or die.

"Subz we have been playing on this smp for a long time and never have we witnessed destruction on this level. And I don't think we can ever get back from this and so I fear that this could be the end of lifesteal..." Vitalasy trailed off. He wasn't prepared for this no matter what hearing him say these words he would never be prepared for this. Lifesteal was his life, his home he was not prepared to give it up.

"Vitalasy the server is in ruins, Ro and Mapicc have gone mad with power. And whenever there is an imbalance in power bad things happen. But that doesn't mean this is the end. This can't be the end because we are still here."

"But this seems impossible!"

"And we have done many things which were once deemed impossible. We have walked on air. We killed Clownpierce. We reviewed all the people who were banned. We did all that. And we will save the server today even if it seems impossible. We will build spawn block per block if we have to." Subz said. He had known Vitalasy for so long he was his best friend. They had been together through highs and lows and they were a force to be reckoned with. Together they can do anything and Subz truly believed that.

"I wish I could believe you more" Vitalasy whispered.

"Follow me I need to show you something. A little something I have been working on. It's a base, equipped with everything we will need to throw down Roshambogames and Mapicc and end their reign of terror once and for all. We will end what they started and we will do it together. We at lifesteal we never give up." Subz declared. It was time for the purple duo to reunite. Although team awesome had destroyed the spawn, although they could stop time, although they had nineteen hearts each team awesome had messed with the wrong people. And it was time to show just what the purple duo was capable. This was not the end just the beginning.

I just want to take a quick second and say thank you to everyone who reads this fanfic. We are so close to 10k reads something I never would have dreamt about. This is my very first work on Wattpad and I didn't think this would get this far. Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting. You guys really put a smile on my face. I am really grateful for all of you here.❤️❤️

Lifesteal smp one shots Where stories live. Discover now