we will always be team awesome

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Okay I am going to be honest this is something I have written at literal 3a.m. so it's not the best one shot but bare with me on this one please :( better one shots coming very very soon

It had to be done, there could only be one of them, either Mapicc or Ro. Mapicc had made up his mind, he would give all his hearts to Ro and get banned off the server. Both of them had been hunted, killed over and over again until they were reduced to  three/ four hearts each. And surving was harder than ever. Every mob, every player could one shot them. So they did the only thing they could hide, hide thousands of blocks away from spawn. But how long before they were found. How long before people start hunting them again. They would be on the run forever until they were both banned. And one of them being banned was better than both of them being banned. So it has to be done. But Mapicc hadn't told Ro yet. He knew Ro would never agree to something of this sort. Afterall Roshambogames was one of the few loyal people on the server. But there was no other way. And sooner or later they would have to face this truth.

Today, they were supposed to set up a new base, get villagers and the basic grind, their last base was griefed and destroyed forcing them to relocate yet another time. Ro was up early. He wanted to get to work quickly.
"Get your lazy ass out of the bed" Ro yelled as Mapicc groaned, waking up was not his forte. In an hour after Mapicc got out of his bed and finally got ready, they started their grind. getting loads of resources like iron, gold to make some golden apples, lapis and most importantly diamonds. Diamonds were a valuable asset as hearts can be crafted using diamond blocks. But was grinding ever fun on three hearts never, mobs kept appearing behind them especially creepers and skeletons who quite literally got Ro down to half a heart.
"God I am never returning to these mines ever again" Ro declared after that incident.

Mapicc was sure of his decision, this trip down in the caves only highlighted its importance. They were getting nowhere on three hearts each but a player with seven hearts that changes things, he could grind for hearts and survive much better. And as much as Mapicc would hate to admit it Ro was slightly better at him at PvP but only slightly he could still beat him. And Ro also didn't make dumb decision meaning he would be better at surviving and preserving the hearts. Yet
all this was going inside Mapicc's head he still couldn't break the news to his teammate.

"Bro are you okay" Ro asked, definitely concerned as Mapicc hadn't said much since the morning, some who can be as loud as Spoke, this definitely did not suit him. And although he reassured Roshambo that everything was fine, Ro still wasn't convinced in fact he was more concerned knowing something was troubling his teammate and his silence was its proof. As the morning wore off into the afternoon, it was time to deal with the most annoying mob in the entire world, Villagers. And neither of them wanted to do it.
"I am going to be honest I don't feel like setting villagers today" Ro sighed, tired after a long mining session.

"We should probably do it though" Mapicc said wanting help set up the base as much as possible before he bid his final good-bye.

"Since when are you so keen on dealing with villagers, are you sure you are not sick"

"I am fine; just get your lazy ass over here and start working we probably don't have enough time"

"Enough time? What are you on about we can probably do this tomorrow"

"You and I both know that we won't so let's just get this over with because we don't have enough time till night, and I had enough of mobs for today"

And as the afternoon was spent on getting the villagers the time had come. This was it for him. Who knew when the next time Mapicc would see Ro again.

"We need to talk, it's time I tell you Ro"  He said holding back all the tears, he had to be strong.

"Tell me what?"

"We can't continue like this..."

"Wait what do you mean, I ..."

"Ro I think you should ban me off the server, I can't last much longer on three hearts, someday I will do something stupid, or someone will just come along and kill me. But I'd rather give you these hearts and get to seven."

"No that's not happening, No way we are a team. You are not getting banned" Ro's voice cracked "We will find a way. We will craft hearts."

"Ro we can't even do a raid, how are we going to get hearts. It's better that one of us remains on the server, instead of us both getting banned. Because how long before others hunt us down as free hearts. You need to do it"

"But without you I will be all alone"

"I will always be with you. You are one of the strongest people on this server. Now you need to do it. We will always be team awesome."

"We will always be team awesome" Ro repeated holding back his tears.He knew what he had to do. Life is full of tough decisions and this was probably the hardest to make. Ro's hands trembled as he drew his sword and in one final swoop he was all alone. In front of him was a pile of armour the stark reminder of his friend. "We will always be team awesome" he said once more to himself somehow drawing strength from these words because these words were the only things he had to keep going.

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