At the end of the day

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Hey guys! I hope you all are doing well here's another short story for y'all :D. I hope you enjoy reading it!!
[Also lemme know if I can improve my writing in any way because I feel like my recent one shots are quite small and I am struggling to write longer stories]

Art Credit: Poafa himself :) (check it out on his Twitter)

Poafa was working on his farm, harvesting his crops for villager trading. He was doing what he always did planting and replanting wheat, carrots then going back tending to his villagers doing some trading. The usual stocking up on experience bottles and golden carrots, his usual chores. That's when he saw Mapicc come up the stairs of his floating islands.

If it were any other time Poafa wouldn't have minded this visit but ever since Mapicc and Ro had declared themselves the rulers of the server and then went on a killing rampage. Besides him and Mapicc had grown quite distant over time. The last they had spoken to each other was during the Medusa incident. Where well Mapicc and Roshambo had betrayed him and killed him. And that still left a bad taste in his mouth. And he didn't have a good feeling about this interaction as well. His first thought was to just throw invise and run away but the only problem was that he didn't have any potions on him, he had left his PvP gear inside his base since he didn't really need it often. He lived by himself in his floating islands and no one really bothered him.

After the whole petrification aftermath he just wanted to live a peaceful life. Fortunately for him he still had his sword, shield and ender pearls on him which might just help him escape. Yet he wanted to stay and see how things play out.

"Hey Man" Mapicc called casually as he approached him. He seemed friendly but with all things he had been hearing about this man Poafa wasn't taking any chances.
"What are you doing here Mapicc?" He asked keeping his shield handy.

"I am not here to fight, I just want to talk."

"Well that's hard to believe considering all the things I have been hearing about you on the server"

"That's a fair point, but believe it or not I don't have any of my gear on me."

"So what do you want" Poafa asked flatly.

"Look man I just came here to apologise. I hate how things are between us right. I just want to be friends" Mapicc said.

"I know I have betrayed you way too many times..." he continued.

"It's not just about that, we may not always be on the same page. I know we always won't be on the same side of things. And honestly that's okay but this time we stopped talking, stopped hanging out we stopped being friends and that really sucked."

"It sucked for me too. You are my best friend, you are one person on this server I rely upon, because even if I have no team, nothing I know I always have you. I know I would always have a base to go back to. Please just give me a chance"

"Okay, I would be lying if I said that I didn't want to be friends again. You are my best friend too. I want things to go back to normal" Poafa smiled. He never really held a grudge against Mapicc, he was his best friend he had forgiven him a long time ago but he had always felt like Mapicc had become a different person. He always was more ambitious than Poafa, and they had been on different teams before even during the cleansing they were working against each other and it was always fine but for the first time after the petrification it felt like they weren't friends.

"Coming here today I didn't know how you would react, but all I knew was that at the end of the day you will always be my best friend and that's the best part of our friendship we can always pick up where we left." Mapicc said as he lightly punched Poafa's shoulder. Maybe he was right that was the best part about their friendship. And it was comforting to know that at the end of the day even if they don't talk for months, even if they are thousands of blocks apart they would still be friends, best friends.

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