I can bring him back

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Hey guys I have a short story for you guys today. It's really just random and something that just came to my head.
And also I am working on some pending requests from you guys. I love all your ideas and unfortunately it is taking a lot longer than I would like to write these. But thank you for your patience.
And Happy reading.

"hey Ro" Prince greeted, he had been looking all over the server for this particular individual;
"What are you doing here" Ro chided, Zam was the last person he wanted to talk to right now. Ro had enough of these people. He wanted to be left alone after all the on this server can you really trust anyone.
"Listen to me, I can help you" He said calmly.
"I don't want to hear anything" Ro said readying his sword in his hand, well he could easily take Zam. And as much as he wanted to attack him right away, his gut told him otherwise.
"I am not here to fight, I am here to right a wrong. Mapic shouldn't have been banned and I can help you bring him back." Zam pleaded, he indeed had come here with the intent of helping Ro. Since Mapicc was banned Ro had been really quiet and lonely. He couldn't help but feel sorry for the man.
"Hmmm why should I trust you though?"
"You have no reason not to trust me" He countered.
"This is Lifesteal do I need a reason not to trust"
"Ro this is getting us no where, I know how it feels to lose friends alright and I want to help you"
"Zam how can you possibly help me" Ro yelled. He was getting frustrated now. He wanted to bring Mapicc back, but he couldn't really trust Zam. Not after what had happened. Not after how many times he was hunted on the Smp, not after how many times he had to run for his life. Not after Mapicc decided to ban himself giving all his hearts to Ro after he died. No after all that Zam comes along and says he wants to help him.
"Look I know you have your reasons right but listen to me, I am trusted by the very people who you want revenge on."
What Zam was saying was all true Pangi who trusted Zam was also the most stacked person on the server with twenty hearts and a teammate Reddoons also with twenty hearts.
"Okay I guess I will trust you then, it's not like I can get revenge on Pangi and Red myself. So how are you going to bring Mapicc back do you have the hearts?"
"No I don't have the hearts but I have a way of getting them. And this would also help you get revenge on Pangi"
"We cannot fight and kill Pangi!" Ro exclaimed. He was literally on seven hearts and severely under geared not to mention. And even if Zam had more hearts than him it still wouldn't be enough to stop Pangi.
"Who said anything about fighting him. There are other ways to get his hearts like stealing."
"I am sure you have it all planned then" Ro said sarcastically.
"As a matter of fact I do, for now Ro I need you to stack up as much as you can and not die. I will not be able to contact you for quite sometime but when the time comes I will reveal everything" Zam replied, as much as he wanted to tell Ro everything it just couldn't be done. Ro would just have to trust him. And as for him he had a lot to prepare for.

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