Rainy days

765 23 33

Location: Mob towers

It had been raining for two days in a row. Forcing everyone to stay inside their bases. Everyone at the Mob towers was officially bored
At first it wasn't that bad; they played some board games, like chess, snake and ladders and some Monopoly at the end (Clownpierce rage quit after that because Clutch and Spepticle teamed up on him). They tried playing Uno but stopped after an hour or so. And now everyone was just cooped up.
"Guys we should do something this is so boring!" Zam urged to them.
"I am not playing Uno or Monopoly" Leo declared, he had suffered a devastating loss in Monopoly after landing on one of Clutches maxed out properties.
"Yeah maybe because you are bad" Clutch smirked.
"Say that again Clutch I dare you."

"Guys cut it out it was just a game" Mid said interrupting the two before any more fights broke out, "Okay now that everyone is calm we should do something relaxing. Any suggestions? Spepticle what do you think?"

"Well we could bake some cookies, and make some cocoa" Spepticle said looking around the heated room some baking would definitely cool everyone down.

Mid started by taking out the recipe card while Spepticle and Clutch gathered the ingredients.
"Zam start the oven and put it preheat at 350 F, and Spepticle you and Clutch start beating the butter and sugar togather. Leo start working on the frosting" Mid said, giving everyone instructions and little tasks to do.
Soon every one had their hands busy, no one noticed Leowook quietly grabbing the eggs from the table.
"Done with the butter and sugar, whats next?" Spepticle asked
"Okay now add two eggs"
"Wait where are the eggs? I swear i saw them a minute ago" Spepticle looked around confused, he was certain he had grabbed them from the fridge.
"You mean these eggs" Leo said as he cracked an egg open on Clutches head, down his neck.
"Hey that's horrible; why would you do that?" Clutch shouted.
"This is payback Clutch" Leo said grinning mischievously.

"Oh is that so Leowook" Clutch said grabbing a bunch of flour and throwing at him.

"Hey! That went into my nose ahhemm and mouth you idiot, ahhem your are not getting away from this" Leo said coughing.

"Okay stop! We are not having food fight!" Mid shouted.

"Did anyone say food fight?" Clown said poping in at the exact moment.

"No there is no food fight! Clown can you please help me Clutch and Leo won't stop fighting over monopoly and have made a mess of the kitchen!"

"Alright you two" Clown said looking over the mess, "out of the kitchen both of you now! And you won't be getting any cookies either"

"But it wasn't my fault Leo started it" Clutch grumbled.

"I don't care, you guys are grounded go to your rooms and think about what you did!" Clown scolded. 

Clutch and Leo grumbled but left the kitchen they knew Clown would probably forgive them soon. He might look intimidating but was a big softie on the inside.

"Thank you God, that's done!" Spepticle exclaimed "Clown do you want to help us?"

"Sure! what can I do."

"We should start by cleaning this up and maybe help Zam with the frosting"

Half an hour later the cookies were tucked away in the oven, frosting was made and all that left was to let them cool and get to decorating.

Leo felt bad for Clutch; it wasn't fair on him. Maybe he should apologise, besides he knew that apologising was the only way he would have a chance of getting those cookies.

"Hey I just wanted to say sorry, it was just a game and you won fair and square!"

"Yeah, it was just a game; sorry for throwing flour at you" Clutch said "I just hope Clown lets us have some cookies man they smell awesome"

"I will try and convince him I mean I started the food fight, so I think you deserve to get those cookies"

"Look who finally came to their senses!" Clown said smiling brightly. He had forgiven the two quite sometime ago but he still wanted to teach them a lesson.

"Clown were you listening in on us the whole time!" Clutch exclaimed.

"Well now that you guys are not behaving like five year olds, do you want to join us for some cookies"

"Wait we can?" Leo asked looking as innocent as he possibly could.

"Yes! Of course"

"Thank you Clown! You are the best!" Clutch

"Well in that case I suppose we should just steal all the cookies won't you agree Clutch" Leo suggested grinning mischievously.

"Oy! I change my mind you are grounded again!"

"I don't think you can do anything about it" Clutch said as he and Leo booked it.

Huhhh Somethings never change!

Authors note: I am working on a lot of new one shots so expect some quick updates in the future :D

And I am open for requests too!!!!

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