Quarantine (Swagdoons)

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Hello everybody, so today I finally completed writing the one shot requested by GlitchedReality13

I am not quite happy with it as I suck at writing romantic ships but I have tried my best.

So This is my headcanon and my take on the Swagddoons duo. A little bit of context this one shot takes place at the start of season three.

Anyways happy reading everyone!!!!

the deadliest minecraft server was on a hold, why because of a flu that had been going around server, and unfortunately Red was one of the people who caught the disease and to make matters worse every one who had the flu had been quarantined, in a temporary medical facility set up by Vitalasy and Parrot near spawn. Red at first had shown no symptoms except for a couple of sneezes here and there but it progressively got worse, fever, head ache and weakness. Anyways Red was here, and he was given a nice special room, no of course not he had to share a room like some peasant that too with Ashswag . 'Ashswag' what was Parrot thinking; was he mocking him didn't Parrot knew that Ash and Red were literal nemesis on the server. Anyhow, Red was too tired and ill to argue, so he had decided to suffer through this.

"here's the thing you stay on your side of the room, and I will stay my side of the room and once this is all over with never speak of this again" Red very clearly told Ash from the very first minute

to which Ash had said something on the lines of do you think I care you're not the boss of me. oh dear God this was going to be a very long week.

"here you guys go! some stew" Vitalasy said coming in the room, he was wearing a full on hazmath suit.

"Vitalasy I will give you anything you want, hearts, dragon egg, anything just get me out of this room please."

"Red you have been here for two hours, just give it some time, besides Ash has been asleep the whole time"

"well he snores"

"I can hear you" Ash protested weakly, poor Ashswag had gotten it the worst of everyone on the server;

"Red we have been over this, You have similar symptoms as Ash, hence you guys are in the same room, as it is easier to monitor over you guys, and trust me no one on the server wants the two of you in the same room anymore than you do "

"Damn you, I am too tired to argue now but trust me once I get better..."

"you are in no position to threaten me Red, now eat your stew, take your medicines and sleep, you too Ash no silly goofy things okay!?"

"you are funny bro like I am in any condition to do something and that too with Reddoons" Ash grimaced.

Ash ate the mushroom stew Vitalasy had brought silently, Red seemed to be in worse mood so he didn't say anything to piss him off. Ash hadn't been to thrilled to be with Red mainly because of the conflict on the server the whole 'Capitalists vs Communists' saga. And although the entire conflict had been buried there was still some bad blood between them. Ash looked up taking a break from eating, seeing as Red was still ignoring him he went back to eating. the awkward silence was getting on Ash's nerves this was silly. but someone has to take the first step. so be it.

"soooooooooo, how are you feeling "Ash asked gingerly.

"I am sorry what is going on here" Red asked sarcastically.

"just trying to have some friendly conversation. since we are going to be here for a while, might as well try and make it bearable"

"you know what Ashswag for the first time in my life I find myself agreeing with you."

The two talked for a long time, they chatted about the server stuff really. Red was surprised how much the two had in common, they had the same enemies, the same allies and most importantly the same motives of server dominance. After an hour, Vitalasy peeped in to give the two their medication he was pleasantly surprised would be an understatement. Ash was drained after talking for so long so he fell asleep as soon as he took his medicines. Red sighed, he felt a pang of sadness now that Ash was sleeping he felt like he wanted to talk more; get to know Ash a little better. he couldn't believe that just an hour ago he considered Ash his enemy. But this quarantine was a good thing at least now he would be able to spend a lot of time with Ash and who knows where this would lead to. But that would have to wait he too was tired, his fever was acting up. Red pulled his blanket over his head. He smiled to himself, maybe this wouldn't be so bad afterall.

P.S next upload might be quicker than this. 😄

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