Baby Clownpierce

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Hello lovely people!!! I had so much fun writing this one shot.
Thanks @Str4wb3rry_Sp4c3 the suggestion.
And I hope you all will enjoy reading this.

Clownpierce pov

Parrot and Ro were fighting with me; this had to be like the third time this week. This was getting old. Although I managed to beat them every time they just kept coming back with more tricks and traps. Oddly enough Parrot seemed extra confident today. I wasn't looking forward to it.

"It's over for you Clown" Parrot yelled as he pearled over to me hitting me with some weird unknown potion. I barely had any time to react. I felt sick, my vision blurred. Confused I tried to pearl away but I couldn't throw it. Something was happening to me. What was happening to me? I felt slow and drowsy. No no this can't be happening. Not like this! I looked around, what I saw terrified me; Parrot was huge. He towered over me. This was the first time I really tasted fear. I grasped a pearl and pearled as far as I could, luckily I landed in some bushes. I quickly took refuge in the foliage trying to hide as much as possible. My heart was racing. I felt a strange weakness, my body was fighting me, my moments were disoriented and slow. I felt my eyes close, I was losing my grasp over reality. My eyes were getting heavier by the second. I heard some rustling in the leaves. They had found me; Parrot was looking straight at me But I couldn't do anything I was slipping into darkness.

Parrot Pov

I had hit Clown with the potion, I had finally done it! This potion was so lethal even Clown wouldn't be able to survive. Clown grasped, uhhhh ho something weird was happening,

Clown was shrinking, getting smaller and smaller by the second, he was struggling. He tried to pearl but couldn't then he tried again still shrinking at a spectacular rate. His pearl landed in the bushes nearby. Ro and I watched dumbfounded. We couldn't react as we simply stood there.
"That wasn't supposed to happen? Was it?" Ro asked.

"No! the potion was supposed to one shot him."

"Ummmmm we should probably see what happened to him because I am pretty sure Clown was the size of a toddler the last time I saw him which was two seconds ago"

We quickly made our way towards the bush Clown had pearled over too. I instantly spotted him. He had shrunk even more, but I noticed something else too he looked much younger. Dear God I hadn't just shrunk him I had de- agged him. He looked scared, I knelt down so I could see the man properly and Ro came up behind me. He looked me straight into the eyes before collapsing into unconsciousness.

I quickly picked up the little one.

"Now what?" Ro asked looking concerned. We might just have started something bigger than we had expected.
"Get Leowook, and don't tell anyone else about this. I am taking the baby to my base"

Parrot pov

I waited patiently for Leo and Ro to return. I couldn't understand what was taking so long. I had left Clown in bed. I decided to go check up on him. To my relief, he was awake and struggling to get out of the blankets which in turn were getting more and more tangled, he looked absolutely adorable, his beautiful brown eyes were intently focusing but he was getting  more and more annoyed by the second.
I couldn't help myself but giggle, this was way too funny. Clown on the other hand didn't find it so amusing and pouted in return.
"Woah easy there buddy, let me help you"
Clown's mood perked up as soon as he got free. And oh my God he had the cutest smile.
"Awwww you are so adorable! Let's get you something to eat while we wait for Ro and Leo."

Roshambogames pov

Everything went wrong! I mean what did we expect a nice calm evening hanging out with some snacks while the baby slept soundly. Of course not,

"Who the fuck gave the baby an invise pot?" I asked looking around for invise particles.

"He must have grabbed it from the chest I made for Clown's items and Don't swear infornt of the baby " Parrot responded. 

"I am pretty sure he knows it" I grumbled

"Guys can we stay focused please. I think he has speed too; there he is; catch him" Leo said dive rolling in the direction of the giggles but crashed into some barrels.

"Leo Dude! you guys destroying my base" Parrot yelled.

"It's not my fault,blame the baby, and how is it that three of us haven't caught a singular baby" Leo cried.

"Well he is the deadliest baby on the deadliest Minecraft server!" I teased

"RO!" Both of them yelled simultaneously.

"Okay let's stop for a minute" Parrot said. We were all sweating profusely, even though  we had been running after Clown for only ten minutes but boy that baby gave us a chase. How was baby Clown a bigger menace than the actual adult Clown. Parrot's base was well destroyed. We had knocked over everything there was to knock over. And we still didn't have the baby.

"Okay everyone shut up now! I am going to the kitchen to get some cookies." Parrot stated heading towards the kitchen, he was luring Clown towards him. Genius! Soon a pair of footsteps followed Parrot, this was my cue to grab the baby from behind "Gotcha!"

Clown giggled as I caught him, Parrot handed me some milk, which I to my best efforts gave to Clown without making a mess of him. Finally Clown was calming down. He gave out a small yawn, he had obviously tired himself out and would finally sleep.

"Look who is back" Leo smiled "here have a cookie" he said in a baby voice.

"Hey! What about me I want a cookie too" I complained.

"Here you go Ro, you are a big baby yourself, isn't that right Clown" Leo said still using his baby voice.

Clown yawned once again, he was getting pretty sleepy.

"I think the potion might be wearing off now" Parrot said "we should let him sleep"

I slowly rocked the baby in my hands, I could see him falling asleep, his heartbeat slowed into a peaceful rhythm. I placed him inside the blanket and I  let go of a sigh of relief. We did it.

"So what now?" Leo asked looking over at the baby.

"I don't really know" I shrugged.

"Well I am running far away because I do not want to be around when Clown wakes up. Good luck Leo you take it from here. Peace out" Parrot grimaced.

I will soon publish the other ideas suggested by you guys :D

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