Operation TICTAC (part two)

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Author's Note: I am not really happy with how this story turned out. I was having a creative block and so this is kind of a shitty update.

art credit: @komorichio

Spoke Pov

Spoke's day was going pretty well, he worked a little on his base, collected some materials, and trolled some people at spawn. Pretty chill day until Vortex called him

"Spoke have you been messing around the base?" Vortex asked urgently without even saying hello.

"What no I haven't gone to our base in a long time?" Spoke answered honestly.

"Well some of the materials we gathered have gone missing!" Vortex replied.

"Well I will go and check I am sure it might be a mistake" he said. Great now he had to go check on the base.

He made my way to the secret location. Spoke opened the door. And went through all the chests, definitely some items were missing. Damn the base was compromised.

Spoke immediately messaged Vortex, he was moving their base. We have to destroy all the prank items. If someone had found the base it would probably be Parrot or maybe Vitalasy. It could be anyone on the server.

It was quite a set back too. They were almost ready for their next prank. 
But here we go, so he packed up most of the things into shulkers which all fit in his inventory. Next he went to the villager chamber where they had all our villagers, now was the time to kill them. A bit cruel; but it's fine.

And as soon as he opened the door it hit him. Million of Exp orbs surrounded me at once. They made a loud tinkling sound, which was quite annoying. He was lagging and unable to make any movements. His vision was clouded by green and golden balls.

"Letttttssss goooooo" Someone shouted towards the left most probably Leo judging by the voice.

"How does it feel Spoke?" Another voice asked, it was definitely Parrot.

"But how?" Spoke blurted out. The Exp still surrounded him.

"I can't believe you fell for your own prank. Consider this as revenge for the cobwebs. Alright,see ya!" Parrot said before leaving.

"Parrot you have no idea what you have started, you are going to regret this. You too Leo." He shouted after them.

"Well goodbye spoke enjoy your exp" Leo said as he followed Parrot out of the door.

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