Baby Parrot (part two)

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Art by Blue inking

Clownpierce Pov

"I still can't believe Parrot is a baby" Clown said smiling. He had immediately swooned looking at the toddler. How could he not; Parrot looked fricking cute.

"I am not a baby" he pouted looking all the more adorable.

"Awwwww I think I prefer baby Parrot" Clown said picking up the little man and gently tickling him sending Parrot into a fit of laughter.

"Okay Clown don't tickle him too much now" Rek cautioned

"Okay! how is the antidote coming along rek?"

"Considering the lab was a mess to begin with it's gonna take some time"

Spoke had called Clown and Rek after the incident. At first both of them were quite hesitant as this seemed highly unlikely and on the server there was a high for one to get trapped. But then again their curiosity had gotten the better of them. And here they were babysitting Parrot and Spoke. Not that Clown had a problem with that playing with Parrot was hilarious. He was hating being treated like a baby but Clown knew Parrot was too adament to admit that he was liking all the attention he was getting.

"Well if it's gonna take some time can I take Parrot out for a stroll? He looks like he is cooped up in here" Clown asked although he knew Rekrap would probably say no because he was acting quite like an overprotective Mom.

"Clown I don't think that's best idea what if he got hurt. I don't know dude"

"Will you feel better if I had Roshambogames come with us. You know Ro is pretty responsible"

"Fine only if Ro is with you" Rekrap said giving up."

"Spoke he said yes; get Ro and vortex"

"Clown!!" Rek exclaimed

Parrot Pov

Currently Parrot was comfortably sitting in Clownpierce's arms. He didn't quite know how he felt about this baby situation. On one hand he hated that he literally cannot do anything on his own but on the other hand he liked not having to worry about anything. This was probably the only time he was so relaxed on the server.
Plus Clown and Rek were acting like his parents which was quite nice actually. Whenever He was with Spoke or Vortex he had to be the one taking care of them; he had to be the responsible one. Making sure they didn't get into any trouble. But this was nice having some take care of him. And he was starting enjoy not having to take care of everyone; not having to look over his shoulder every second of the day. Maybe this baby thing was better than it seemed before.
Clownpierce Pov

"So what should we do now??"

"Well can we get Parrot a pet parrot???" Vortex suggested

"Yess and and it can be of blue and green colwer" Parrot added excitedly giggling.

"I guess it's settled then we are getting Parrot a pet" Clown declared
Rekrap pov

Rek had finally sorted out the lab. And with the help of Parrot's note he was able to figure out a bit of the crafting recipe now all he needed was to reverse it and tweak it a bit and hopefully it would work.
It had taken him hours and countless tests on mobs to have finally gotten this far.
"Just a bottle of akward potion and it think I have got it". He said to himself.
And just in time too he could hear other guys coming back.

First thing rek noticed was Parrot cuddling with a parrot. He could also see that Parrot was on the brink of falling asleep.

"Hey guys! So Parrot has parrot now" he said

"Yess I have a parrot and I am going to name him Caprisan" Parrot said grinning from ear to ear.
He let out a small yawn.

"Well i have the antidote ready why don't you take it before going to bed Parrot" Rek suggest.

"Okay" Parrot replied softly before yawning again.
Clownpierce Pov

He watched Parrot drink the potion Rek had made. He was going to be honest he would miss the little guy. It had been fun babysitting Parrot.
Soon Parrot got into his bed and fell asleep almost instantly.
He looked quite peaceful.

"Awwww Clown looks like you are going to miss the little fella" Rek teased "Who knew the deadliest minecraft player loved kids"

"Bro stop" he tried to protest failing miserably. He couldn't just deny what was written so plainly om his face.

"You know Clown while making the antidote, I also figured out the actual recipe which made him young" Rek said softly

"Bro you serious???"

"Yes so the next time Parrot's being annoying or you just want to prank him you know what to do"

"Oh my god you are an evil genius Rekrap" Clown said as both of them burst into laughter

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