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Authors note: I am back with another Rekrap angst. I might have rewritten this one a thousand times but I am quite pleased with the end result. Although this is not an official request but @Angsty_Teen2 I hope you enjoy this ( it is loosely based on an idea you suggested a while back.Sorry It took some time for me to write.)

"Rek are you alright, what happened?" Ro asked.
He had found Rek sitting in the dark basement surrounded by a pool of tears in the poggies base. He looked terrible; eyes swollen, cheeks red, his was really hot, he had a fever, he was shivering uncontrollably.
"They killed him Ro, they didn't even hesitate" He sobbed.
Rek was talking about his pet canary, Summer, he had just gotten a pet last week, a turquoise blue canary which reminded him of an evening summer sky hence the name.

"What! How? Who did this"
"They just axe crit him. Leo killed him and Clown and Mapic they were just watching. I couldn't do anything to save her. I .. I watched her die Ro"

"Oh Rek" Ro whispered. He bent down and hugged Rek he knew how much Summer mattered to Rek. On a server such as lifesteal where you are constantly scared for your life, someone like Summer can remind you that there is more to it than that. Rek buried his face in Ro's chest;They say there for a long time not uttering a word. Just being there.

Ro was angry no he was mad, this act was down right cruel. The Mob were tyrants, they did whatever they wanted without any consequences just because they had Clownpierce. He was shaking, he felt adrenaline flooding in his veins he was ready for a fight. Not now he said to himself, he needed to be with Rek. He needed to be there for his friend.

Roshambo helped Rek up, "we are going to have a memorial for Summer he said." Rekrap just nodded, he was too disoriented and off focus to respond properly, his feet wobbled as he walked. He was still shaking and his head hurt. He wasn't there at that moment, he knew Ro was putting together a memorial of sorts, a shrine made up of polished deep slate and quartz.

"Summer, for the short period of time you were in our lives, you never failed to bring a smile on our faces. Every moment you were here you were an amazing companion. We will miss you" Ro said as he planted blue orchids around.

"Rek your turn" Ro said handing his some flowers.

"I don't think I can Ro. Summer was just a ray of light, she was just some one that I could come back to at the end of the day. I don't think I can ever put how I feel in words"

Rek placed the flowers on the shrine. This was it, a final good bye.

"Rek I want to have this" Ro said giving him a blue feather "I kept this with me it belongs to Summer, A souvenir so you can always remember Summer"

"Ro, I ... I, this meas so much to me. Thank you for this" He said breaking down crying, he felt like his heart broke a little more but at least now he had something to remember her by.

Ro took Rek to his bed, it was clear he was going to be ill. He placed multiple pillows and blankets to make it as comfy as he could. He had asked Spoke to get some tea for Rek. He did all he could to comfort Rek; he decided to give Rekrap some space. He knew that it would take time and at that moment there was nothing he could do to soothe an aching heart except be there for his friend.

Grief is a weird emotion, it makes you feel like the entire world has ended like you can never move on and maybe some day Rek could come on terms with that but in that moment grief was all he could feel.

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