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Hello everybody I am back with some more Rekrap angst as requested by @Angsty_Teen2. Hope you guys enjoy reading this one!

Rekrap pov

From the moment I stepped inside my base I knew something was off. It was too quiet. It made me nervous. Had my worst fears come true? No it can't be they couldn't have! I started to panic. I ran around the base in frustration, not wanting to accept the truth. I looked everywhere over and over again only to be met by silence. No not like this. My base was ransacked all my things lay on the floor, but I didn't care about those, bases could be made again but they took the one and only thing that mattered to me. For the first time on the server, these obsidian walls felt paper thin. I felt a different kind of terror growing inside me, a kind of fear that kills you from inside. As the truth sank in, I felt truly and completely alone. I flinched as my communicator vibrated inside my pocket, I knew what was coming.

"Dear Rekrap, meet us at spawn so we can negotiate the price of your precious pet dog Milo. And kindly come alone, if any of your team mates were to accompany you, then we won't be responsible for the consequences"
Signed- the MOB

Leowook pov

Server dominance was MOB's only goal and we would stop at nothing, nothing at all. And we would do it by any means possible.
We had Rekrap's dog in our custody and had arranged a meeting just in front of the MoB towers. I really didn't care about the dog but Clown told us not to hurt it. I was looking forward to the negotiation. Clown said Rek would be willing to do anything for this dog, even turn on his team.

Clownpierce pov

My team had captured Rekrap's dog, I didn't really bother with stuff like this but this was a rare opportunity, till now Rekrap had been untouchable, finally I had some leverage over him. This was a brilliant opportunity one that I would not let go to waste.
So I sent Leo and Zam to negotiate the terms while I watched from afar. I wouldn't intervene unless something goes wrong.

I watched Rek come, he was invise as usual, but I knew it was Rek. He wouldn't risk hurting his dog. He walked at a much slower pace probably because of some previous battle injury.

"Welcome Rekrap," Leo says, "let's get straight to the point shall we."

Crap! Rek was awfully silent, I didn't like this. I knew he would want to murder Leo after. I practically felt his anger. I clenched my sword if this went south, it would go down real quick. But I continued to watch silently.

"So here's the deal, we want you to betray the Poggies Kingdom"
Leowook continued coming straight to the point just like I had asked him. I wanted to get this over with, I felt bad for Rekrap perhaps, so the sooner this ended the better.

Rekrap pov

I didn't say a word, mainly because I was shaking with anger, and I didn't want to say the wrong thing not when Milo's life was on the line.

"So here's the deal, we want you to betray the Poggies Kingdom"

I almost lost my balance when I heard that. They wanted me to do what!?betray my team. I ... I how could I? No this was way worse than i thought it was. I opened my mouth but I couldn't speak. What was I supposed to say. What was I supposed to do.

"Leo, please I can't do that"

"Well Rek here's the thing you see we have the upper hand here"

"Please please I will do anything else but not this" I begged. I wanted to cry. I felt helpless.

"Well either you accept or you don't; the choice is yours" he said.

I looked at Milo, he was scared I could see it, Zam was holding him really tightly and his collar was hurting his neck. How was I to choose. This wasn't fair, this wasn't fair. Tears started to pour down my face, thankfully they couldn't see it because I was invise.

Clownpierce pov

Rekrap has barely said anything. I didn't like that at all. But I patiently waited.

"Please please I will do anything else but not this"

He was getting desperate, my plan was working. He sounded like he was about to cry.

This was it, the deciding moment. He was helpless and he knew it. His invise was about to run out as well but he didn't seem to notice. Good thing, I hated when people showed up invise, It made them harder to read but nevermind he was completely visible now.

My mouth went dry, Rekrap looked horrible, his hair was unkept, his shoulders hunched forward. He wasn't the man I once knew.  This person looked broken, there was a shadow under his eyes. He was crying.
I didn't know what to do, I immediately came out of my hiding place.

"Zam let the dog go" I ordered.

"Wait what? Why" He protested.

"Zam and Leo just let me handle this, let the dog go."

I thought they would argue with me but to my surprise without any hesitation Zam realised the dog. Maybe because they were shocked too, seeing Rek in this condition.

Rekrap pov

Milo ran towards me, I scooped him up in my arms and just held him. I didn't care about Clownpierce not the Mob. I didn't care if this was a trap. I just hugged my Milo. A strong hand gripped my shoulder. I looked up to see Clownpierce staring into my eyes. It was just us now. He had a sympathetic look in his eyes.

"So how long has it been" He asked.


"The insomnia and the night terrors"

How did he know, even my own team mates didn't know about this.

"Ummm couple of weeks actually. Why do you ask?" I replied dryly.

"Because I know" he said.

"You know?" I asked a little more sympathetically this time. It shouldn't have come as a surprise though. I could probably relate to him constantly being subjected to Parrot's traps.
"Oh Clown."

"It's okay, I am much better now but I had no idea you were going through this." He said genuinely looking guilty.

"It's Alright, I guess. In the end Milo is safe and that's all I care about. You know is all that I have. I can't imagine a life without him. He is the only reason I can even sleep. He is the only reason I am alive." I said stroking Milo's fur. He was smuggling peacefully.

I left to go home, Clown had promised to leave Milo out of any server conflict. I needed a place to sleep as my base was no longer a safe place. I felt sore and my entire body shook from exhaustion. My mind was numb. I just wanted to sleep. I headed to Jaron's place I knew I could trust him. But I knew that this wouldn't be the last time. I wondered how many more times would I be trapped, and betrayed. I got lucky today but one day my luck would run out. And those I care for the most would pay that price. But that day wasn't today.

And Requests are always appreciated!! So leave a comment :D

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