Operation TICTAC

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Art credit: @yolo1013_uwu

The Retaliation
Enough was enough Spoke and Vortex had been causing enough chaos on the server and now it was time to give them the taste of their own medicine. Unknown to the pranking duo; there was a retaliation forming behind their back. The group who's sole mission was to prank the pranksters using their own methods.

Team elytra (Parrot and Leowook)

Their mission was to gather as much information on the targets as possible. Decepting their plans and passing their assessments notes to team redstone (Vitalasy and Zam).

Who would gather the materials for the prank and set it up in the base of the targets. The two teams needed an enormous amount of invise potions which were a courtesy of the purple duo.

Hence began the operation 'tic tac' {it's like tit for tat ;D}
Team Elytra pov

The mission was in its final days. For the past week Leowook and Parrot had been trailing Vortex and Spoke. They had been spying on them but keeping their distance.

"Crouch Crouch" Parrot wisper yelled at Leowook who had just ran out of invise. Splashing a new potion Parrot went back to his note taking.

They could barely hear what they were saying but enough to make out the key details of the conversation. And by the looks of it they were going over all the items they needed for the prank.
"You writing this down Parrot?" Leo asked. Parrot gave him a nod and went on to his notes.

He let out a exasperated sigh. "I think we have enough information. Do you think we should head back and reconvine with the team?"

"Maybe; you know what I am tired of listening to Spoke and Vortex bicker let's go." Leo agreed.
Team Redstone pov

There wasn't much to do for Vitalasy and Zam. As they had to wait for Parrot and Leo for the information; so meanwhile they took it upon themselves to build retaliation a HQ.
A secret base deep inside the nether where before entering the members would be immediately slashed with an invise potion to prevent infiltration.
The HQ basically was very fancy meeting room made of black stone and deep slate. There were soul torches adorning the walls and blue banner to match them; a pretty edgy base to be honest; Team Redstone was definitely proud of their work and the retaliation members finally had a place to meet without having to look over their backs.

"So what did you guys find" Zam asked. After, Parrot and Leo had just returned from their reconnaissance mission.

"Not much really" Parrot shrugged showing Zam his extensive notes.

Last week, Parrot had asked Zam, Leo and Vitalasy to help him prank Spoke and Vortex. All of them had agreed since Spoke and Vortex had absolutely destroyed spawn which Zam had spent hours cleaning up. Thanks to Ro and the purple duo for cleaning it up; but still they still wanted to teach Spoke a lesson. Parrot's plan was simple; they would spy on the two and find out who they were pranking and do exact same prank on them. It was genius. But it was time consuming and sure as hell not easy but the retaliation was ready for anything or so they thought.

Vitalasy peered over the notes, his eyebrows knitted in worry "Do you think we will have enough time to gather all the resources for this prank? This is aweful lot of materials."

"That might be a problem" Parrot agreed looking over stacks of items ther were going to need. This sure was one expensive prank. They might run of time before they could gather all the materials. They needed a way to pull this off and fast otherwise the retaliation would fail its first mission.Silence hung over the room as the thoughts of failure crept into their minds after what seemed like an eternity of silence Zam spoke up.

"We could always steal from Spoke. I mean they must have stock pile of the items ready. This will not only deplete their resources but also buy us some more time." He suggested. The rest of the crew was lost for words the solution had been right in front of them. Zam was a genius.

Retaliation had a new ray of hope. Knowing this was their best shot everyone agreed without any further arguments. the solution was quick and efficient. This is exactly what they needed.
Spoke pov

Today was not a good day for Spoke. Someone had found their prank HQ and had stolen the entire shulker box of Exp bottles, Redstone and bows. Vortex and Spoke had worked for days getting these materials and this was quite a set back. They will have to move bases soon make a new one because the current location was compromised.
Spoke was coming back to old base to collect some remaining items and destroy the base before anyone else could find out it even existed. Little did he know he was in for a rude surprise.

[ I hope you guys enjoy the shot and stay tuned for part two]

P.S. how do you guys think they pranked Spoke
Guess in the comments ;D

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