Trust Issues

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This idea was suggested by @Angsty_Teen2 (I hope you guys enjoy!)

art credit: @CorpserisaS

"There is no trap" these were the only words echoing in Rek's mind. It has been a week since The Terrain had tried to Trap him ironically with no trap. Terry had taken the advantage of Rek's careful nature to sow seeds of doubt and fear in his mind. Which led Rek go to astronomical measures to try and escape the so-called trap. So, in the process Rek almost lost a friend, lost his castle, many more resources; but worst of all he lost all his trust. Because of what his doubts, his fear, his ego? Because he was the untrappable player, someone who could escape every trap. But was it really his fault, that he didn't trust anyone anymore? Because the fact remained that it had crossed Terry's mind to trap him. And it wasn't just him, even his closest friends Parrot and Branzy had attempted to kill him not once but multiple times. Vitalasy and Subz had kidnapped him, tried to murder him with drip stones.

When would this end? And how much longer before Rek actually fails. But he could not fail. He had a reputation to live up to. This was madness, the entire server was out to get him. To the point where Rek was afraid to step out of his base. Every where he went a feeling of unease followed, he was on his own. Anyone could betray and no one to trust.

Days went by and fear kept getting worse. To a point where all he felt was fear. He kept away from spawn; he didn't respond to anyone's messages; he kept to himself as much as possible, making sure he was always invisible. Even when he was inside his base, he felt like someone would come out of nowhere with TNT or drip stone. He could barely sleep because every waking second was a reminder that someone can trap him. but how long can someone stay awake? A day or two maybe. Exhaustion was bound to take over at some point.

Rek woke up feeling worse than usual, his body was sore, every limb was in pain, his head hurt, his vision blurred and he had this nagging feeling that something was wrong. He had grown so used to being alone in his base that he knew he wasn't alone. Someone was there. And it was none other than Clownpierce.

Run! run was Rek's first thought but he didn't have the strength to and Clown was blocking the exit. Instinctively he reached for his ender pearls.

"Rek don't" Clown said calmly "I need to speak with you."
"how can I trust you Clown? besides do I really have an option here and how did you find this base?Did Jaron tell you about it" Rek asked and since Jaron was the only person who knew about Rek's tunnels so it was pretty obvious.

"Rekrap I please listen to me I just want to talk. We are worried for you, all of us"

"You are?" Unsure, Rek asked

"Yes we are, you haven't talked to anyone in days, you don't respond to messages and by the looks of it you haven't been taking care of yourself. Rek I can understand your situation. I know what it feels like when everyone is trying to get you. I know how it feels when all someone is so relentlessly trying to kill you, forcing you to double check everything and doubt everyone, I understand. It haunts you because failure isn't an option. I have been there, but I one thing I have realised is that you cannot win anything if you don't stand to lose something. And it doen't matter if you fail or not, we are all friends here even if we betray or kill each other. So I am here as a friend, and it's not just me Parrot, Branzy and Vitalasy too."

"wait why are they here?"

"they feel bad, they know they went too far with the traps. they wanted to make it upto you"

"they do?" Rek asked tearing up.
He had been so focused on traps, he had let his fear get to him; that he had forgotten one main thing they were all friends here at the end of the day; No longer could he hold his tears, they slid down his face, his whole body was shaking. he had never felt so overwhelmed with emotions.

Clown gently gave him a hug, wiping some Rek's tears away he said "I know this is hard and I cannot speak for others but I will always be here as friend if you need me."
Rek continued to sob; He felt relived, as he realised all the emotions he had been holding back. Turns out he needed a friend, who can remind him that no matter what, at the end of the day everyone was always friends on lifesteal.

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