The Start of the Egg Hunt

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Hey guys a small update here! Idk if you guys know but a while back many female ccs came forward and talked about their struggles in the minecraft community on twitter. And it warmed my heart to see many wholesome messages by so many amazing people and creators supporting these women. So I wanted to in a small way celebrate the queen of lifesteal- Midmysticx by writing a one shot completely dedicated to her. I honestly love Mids videos especially the egg hunt. It was one of my favourite season four arcs, and she did an amazing job reuniting some of my favourite players and making sure they were working together all in all making lifesteal more active during this season.

Although this one shot is very short but I haven't been able to work on writing because of a stinky exam 😅. I hope the next one shot would have more content. Also I had no ideas for the title ;(

'Nothing on the server lasts' and maybe that's true but Mid refused to believe it. Everyday she saw destruction, fighting and anarchy. How did they get here. Sure lifesteal was never peaceful but what it was now utterly beyond its former self. People with more hearts terrorised others, fights broke out every other day and betrayal followed everywhere. There were no teams formed because people didn't trust each other enough. Everyone was just fighting on their own. And all she could think of was the good old days when she was the part of Mob. And true Mob had since been broken up for a long time but it still held a special part in her heart. She remembered the very first day she joined. It's never easy being a new person especially on the server. Fitting in isn't easy. Mid had feared that she would never make any friends because it takes time and effort to build friendships but Lifesteal members had made her feel so welcome especially Clown and Leo and Zam. She loved being a part of MOB.  But now, she didn't know whom to trust rather who would trust her. Lifesteal used to be fun and so full of life, everyday would lead up to some new shananiguns. Spawn would never be empty. But now she wandered here alone. This feeling of emptiness was overwhelming, as she looked back on many more memories that came flooding back to her. The Pog tower. Living with Cube and Leo. The Zam empire and the cleansing. All the best times she had on the server, it was too much. Maybe the server had been inactive for too long. And someone needed to take some action. And that someone was going to be her. She needed to remind the lifestealers what this server stood for. Because lifesteal wasn't just wars and betrayals but it was so much more than that, it was about friendships, teams and having fun. Maybe these days everyone is taking everything too seriously. Too much lore, too much tension. And maybe everybody needed to loosen up. To believe in each other again. And restore whatever small amount of trust they had. Maybe she needed to unite everyone. Mid had the perfect solution for this the dragon egg she had "borrowed" from Reddoons. Honestly at first she had no plans for the dragon egg, it was going to be a mere decoration piece in her build but now it was going to be her way of getting everyone back together. What made lifesteal great was its people. Because what's the point of doing something if you are doing it alone.

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