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Hey everyone as promised I am back with a new story this time it was suggested by Sad___Vibes. I really had fun writing this one so thank you for suggesting. And as always 'Happy Reading Everyone'

After yet another battle Clown put his sword back down. Spawn was becoming a hot spot these meaningless fights with no definite outcome. They just end up a stale mate with one of the either parties running off. This was time consuming and a waste of resources which took additional time to grind. Clownpierce was getting tired of these battles they left him completely exhausted and not to mention the countless battle injuries. He sighed as he started his journey back to his base. His base was good ways out and took a long time to go back to. But this time he wasn't planning on coming back to spawn anytime soon. He checked his communicator, there was a text from Branzy asking if he was okay or did he need any help. It was really sweet of him but Branzy was low on hearts so he had to be extremely careful. Clown typed his usual reply which said I am okay don't worry. But he didn't mean these words, he rarely did. He was tired and aching all over. All he could think of was his bed and getting some sleep. The hike back to his base was extremely laborious he had to climb over a mountain. Clown usually didn't mind it so much but today it was taking ages to go back. It was getting darker and chilly. He was incredibly focused, out of nowhere a creeper exploded right next to him, surprised Clown lost his footing and next thing he knew he was plummeting towards the ground. He  desperately tried to grab something but nothing caught his hands. He quickly ender pearled to safety. But landed on his feet there was a crack. He fell on the ground grasping and panting. He felt lightheaded. He took several deep breaths. After a few minutes the adrenaline rush in his body was subsiding. He sat up and looked at his ankle it was twisted at an odd angle. It was definitely broken. He checked his e chest for some health potion he needed just one, enough to numb the pain so he could get back to his base and to his relief he had the materials to make a health pot, now the only problem was he had no brewing stand. Sighing he went back to searching for another solution. Regen was going to help in this situation. Maybe he could make a splint and cast with woods and string that could work. Finding no other answer he started working on splint. He turned some of his cobwebs into strings and used some oak planks he found lying in his inventory. He was struggling as the string kept getting undone and wood kept touching the bone making him wince every now and then. He was not any closer than when he started. He gave up after a few more tries. It was completely dark now, he placed a torch for light. He was completely lost, he didn't know what to do; he was out of ideas unless he could call someone for help he reached for his communicator but instantly put it back no he could do it on his own.  He tried but wrapping the planks again but it hurt too much. He gave up. His leg was getting worse and the pain was increasing. He desperately tried again but this time it hurt more he let out a small scream. He had only one option now. One that he hated more than anything. Clownpierce was so used to being and doing everything on his own it took a lot for him to ask for help. He never relied on anyone but himself. No he didn't like that idea at all. Clownpierce hated asking for help. It was the hardest thing for him to do. He felt like it was a burden that he had to do everything himself no! there has to be another way. But he saw no other way he didn't have enough ender pearls to pearl over to his base and since elytras or tridents were banned so there was no other way of transport. Giving in Clown reached for his communicator he gritted his teeth as he typed out the message which he wrote and rewrote for about a hundred times finally he hit send and suddenly he felt even more scared, why would anyone show for him. He had killed them and stolen their hearts. Wait worse they will come and kill him. No no what had he done but he had no other option. He sat there waiting. His communicator chimed and he quickly grabbed it. It was Rek he said he was on his way. Clown sighed of relief he trusted Rek. A minute or two later Vitalasy replied saying he would bring some health pods with him. Branzy privately messaged Clown inviting him to his base so he could rest there. Clown closed his eyes and relaxed himself friends were on their way. Maybe he was wrong maybe lifesteal can be wholesome. Because no matter the conflict or wars lifesteal members all of them will always be friends at the end of the day. And sometimes it's okay to ask for help and to depend on others because you can't do everything alone.

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