A Blast From The Past

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This is a 10k special one shot. It is also the longest one shot I have ever written. And that being said thank you once again for 10k reads.

This was one of the ideas suggested by FaithScarred
And I really had so much fun writing this. And personally this is one of my favourite stories I have ever written.

And now that's all said and done 'Happy Reading' everyone.

Lifesteal invites guests ever so often, just to keep the server even more interesting. And this time Parrot had a really interesting guest in his mind. This particular individual was quite well known In fact he already was pretty good friends with many of the lifesteal members especially Clownpierce. Since Clownpierce had his Circus renovations going the man had been grinding away without a single day off. This had extended to a point where the only person Clown talked to was Branzy since he was helping with the project. It had been quite a few months before the lifesteal members had seen Mr Pierce, let alone interacted with him. 
Since Parrot was convinced that Clown wouldn't stop until his project was completed he had come up with a solution which would quite literally force him to come out of his circus once and for all. So he waited for Rasplin at the spawn with maxed out gear and everything.

Rasplin had received an invite to the deadliest minecraft server, out of the blue. All the message stated was that Parrot needed help with something on the server and he was the only one who could help him. At which Rasplin debated whether to accept this invitation or not but the curiosity had gotten the best of him. So confident in his abilities and ignoring the sketchy message he decided to just go for it. Upon arrival at the spawn he could immediately tell that this spawn had seen better days. Although you could see the destruction of war almost at every corner he could still see new builds every now and then. After a short hike he finally saw the man that contacted him along with some uninvited server members. And to be quite honest Rasplin wasn't a big fan of that. He had no armour no tools and his best weapons weren't even allowed on the server. Taking a deep breath he cautiously approached the crowd.

"Yo Rasplin thank you for coming dude" Parrot greeted him.

"Hey dude! Anytime"

"Well take this shulker, and gear up fast and don't worry about others they are my allies they won't harm you"

"The fact that none of them have crit me out gives me a little reassurance" Rasplin remarked as he got put on his armour. Atleast Parrot had kept his end of the deal. Now all he had to find out what this so-called mission was.

"So you said you needed my help with something?" He asked.

"So how well do you know Clownpierce?"

Well that was a punch in his gut, Clownpierce and Rasplin had been great friends, but over time they had just lost contact. Clown had lifesteal and Rasplin had his goals with crystal PvP. They really hadn't spoken in a while.
"We used to PvP together back in the day. But I haven't spoken with him. Guess lifesteal keeps him pretty busy"

"Well you see Clown is working on something. Something huge and he really has just shut himself off from each and everyone of us except Branzy. And although Clown might be a bit occupied at the moment lifesteal has been progressing at its normal pace. So wars are near and we need Clownpierce. One of my greatest allies. Besides the mans hasn't had a day off in about a few weeks now. So I figured you would be the only one who could probably talk to him" Parrot replied. Rasplin could see that Parrot was worried about Clown. Although he was trying to hide the fact that he really cared about him under the guise of wars. Rasplin could see right through him. He could also tell that the situation must be quite bad since Parrot had gone out of the way to call him.

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