Sticky Situation

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Spoke Pov

It's been a while since Spoke cause some chaos on the server and he had his next targets ready.

"Yo wassup Vortex"

"Hey Spoke"

"We have have our next targets."

"We Do? It hasn't been that long since we pranked Ro"

"You are going to love this bro it's going to Parrot and Clown thay are meeting at the circus"

"Bro are you out of your mind. its Clown and Parrot they can literally end our play time of the server."

"Don't worry I have got it all planned out. All I need is a good partner to pull it off"

"I guess it would be kinda nice to prank parrot what's your plan" Vortex said after a bit of thinking.

"Alright meet me at circus and bring some invise potions with you. Alright see you in a bit"

"Alright see ya"

Spoke Pov

Spoke knew they didn't have much time. So he and Vortex had gotten straight to work. They had all the materials they needed for the prank the only issue was time. They needed to be fast or they might as well be dead. So far so good he could barely hear parrot and clown talking.
Come on he needed to be faster than this.
"Vortex how's the progress?"

"I am almost done. How about you"

"What the frick bro how are you doing it so fast."

"Because I am good. Now do you want me to come and help you" Vortex smirked

"Okay fine get your lazy butt here and start working"

"Okay buddy you can finish rest of circus on your own"

"No vortex come back i was kidding bro"

"Fine spoke let's get this over with"

"Hurry up bro they are almost done with their meeting"

"Just adding finishing touches" Vortex said "And done"

They wouldn't even know what had hit them

Parrot Pov

"What the hell is this" parrot was just
coming out of the circus after his meeting with Clownpierce. And the last thing he was expecting to do was walking into a wall of cobwebs. Every inch of the corridor was covered in cobwebs and honey blocks at the bottom making moving out of this mess extremely impossible.

"Clown, bro you might wanna see this. Be careful there are cobwebs every where and honey blocks" he called out.

"Wait what the hell" Clown said clearly shocked by the scene in front of him.Every inch of the circus was covered with honey blocks and cobwebs and more importantly Parrot was stuck in the mess.

"Parrot stop struggling you are gonna get stuck even more" he advised

"Its so sticky bro. I can't get out"

"I know Bro let me help you" clown said breaking some cobwebs around Parrot so he could get out.

"Who did this bro;Was it you?" Parrot asked

"No not at all. Would I do this to my own Circus?"

"You look a like you are in a sticky situation parrot" Spoke said dropping off his invise.

"Spoke!! oh my God bro!! You are not getting away from this" Parrot said giving of a vibe of an exasperated parent or a cold blooded murderer

"Oooo we are so scared of you Parrot" Vortex said appearing next to spoke

"Guys this is so uncool." clown said chipping holding in his laugh he had to agree it was quite hilarious.

"Clown bro you gotta agree that this is funny" Vortex said laughing his ass off.

"Well it is quite funny Vortex" Clown smiled. Credit should be given where it is deserved he believed.

"No don't agree with them you are the deadliest player do something"
Parrot pouted looking more and more frustrated.

"Parrot i cannot do anything there's literally a wall of cobwebs between us and them;"

"I Hate everything"

"Hahaha parrot we got you and yes have fun dealing with this mess. We are out of here" Spoke said drinking another invise potion and disappearing

"Hey get back here you two. You need to clean this up right now" Clown shouted after them.
But ofcourse they were gone

Clown sighed and said "looks like it gonna take a long time to clean"

"First let me out bro" Parrot said miserably

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