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Art credit: @yolo1013_uwu

Author's note: *Guys I will complete the previous story in the next one shot. As I have been feeling sick so I wrote this random sick fic out of boredom.*

Branzy was convinced that Clown was sick but who can convince Clown himself. It had started with sniffling and then sneezing and coughing. Clown might even have fewer. But the pvper just shrugged it off and continued working on the circus.
Branzy couldn't just stand around and let his friend suffer. Clown looked so tired and miserable. If only he actually accepted that he was sick things would be a lot easier. But of course not it was Clownpierce. He let out an audible sigh.
"You need anything Branzy" Clown asked looking up from whatever he was doing.

"Yes I need you to stop working and go to bed." Branzy said expecting nothing but defiance from Clown.

"Branzy I told you I am not sick. Now let me go back to work."

Branzy let go of another sigh a little less audible this time. If Clown wasn't going to take care of himself then he would do it he just needed some assistance.

But who? Who could he trust with this situation? It seemed like half the server had tried to murder Clown. So that eliminated right about everyone. Hmmm he thought who could he call for help. Who was kind, fair, helpful and didn't have homicidal intent? Of course Rekrap. Besides Clown respected Rek so if anyone can convince him it was probably going to be Rekrap. Satisfied with the solution. He messaged Rek to come meet him at the circus explaining the situation.

After waiting for a couple of minutes Branzy finally saw Rek in the distance. Rek had been at spawn so it didn't take him long to get to the circus.

The two friends grimaced as they entered the circus arena. Clown's coughing had gotten significantly worse. Each round of coughs left Clown painfully gasping for air.

"Clown!" Rek called getting the man's attention.

"Oh Rek" Clown barely managed to whisper before having another fit of coughs.

"Clown this is madness, you should be in bed" Rek pleaded. Although he understood why Clown was so reluctant, he was afraid of getting trapped or worse spawn trapped when he was so weak and miserable. But he cannot let Clown continue like this or he would end up worse off.
"Just come with us you can stay in my secret tunnels no one on the server knows about them so you will be safe. And you can break and burn the bed afterwards." Rek continued. He hoped it was enough to reassure Clown.

Clown looked at Branzy and Rek, they were genuinely worried about him. He knew they were right of course but he was just insecure.

"You won't get any better this way Clown" Branzy asserted. He knew he could trust them. They were his friends after all. And Branzy had never betrayed him. "Okay" He said quietly. A little rest would do him good. He followed them to the tunnels. Rek had one set up fairly close to the circus. Clown notices the smile of satisfaction that crossed Branzy's face. He was glad to call Branzy his best friend, some one who actually cared. Even Rek was sweet to give up his secret base for Clown's sake.

"We are here" Rek announced. It wasn't much until rek showed them the secret entrance. if Clown had any doubts they were gone, the base was really well hidden.

Inside the Tunnels were small rooms mostly used for storage but Rek had set up a room just for Clown. It had a bed, some potions and an echest. It was simple but comfortable. Clownpierce really appreciated this.

"This is good" Clown barely whispered as he got it in the bed. The soft cushion felt good on his body which had been aching unbearable.

"Wait drink this before you sleep" Branzy said handing him a potion of healing and regeneration.

Clown took the potion gratefully, a small yawn escaped. As he curled up against the pillows.

"Good night Clown" Branzy said softly as he and Rek left the room,it was the last thing Clown heard before his eyes closed and he fell asleep.

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