Snowball Fight (Branzypierce)

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Art credit: @Astrobee182ention a user

"Watcht out" Woogie called out. Too late though, the snowball already hit Branzy in the back.
He groaned before turning to look at the person who hit him. It was Clownpierce, grinning evily, with another snowball in his hand and plenty more in his inventory.

"Come on not you too, Clown" Branzy pouted.

It all started two days ago when at spawn, when Vitalasy, Pangi and Zam were decorating the spawn for holidays. Parrot and Vortex were suppose to help them but them being them; they spent most of the time arguing about the ornaments.

The plan was simple decorate spawn, bake cookies (Baker Subz) and enjoy the firework show which Don and Spepticle were putting together.

But ofcourse not, how can the smp be ever peaceful when they had chaotic dumbasses like Spoke and Mapic who apparently tried to snowball every one at spawn and one thing led to another; and now the entire server is engaging in a snowball fight.

Clown threw another snowball at them which Branzy managed to doge but Woogie wasn't so lucky this time.

"Come on Clown, some of us are trying to enjoy the holidays in a non violent way" Woogie protested.

Clown wheezed trying to hold his laughter in.
"Oh you God you guys are so easy" He managed between his laughs.

Clown threw another snowball,
"Come on, don't you guys want to join in" he teased.

"Alright if you want a snowball fight then you will get a snowball fight" Woogie said looking at Branzy who nodded his head and picked a some snow in his hand.

"Now we are talking" Clown said happily.

"Don't forget it's a 2v1" Branzy grined.

"I have faced worse" Clown said before launching an attack of snow on them.

Branzy and Woogie also returned the favour, sometimes directly hiting Clown other times missing completely. Laughing when they hit the target, teasing each other endlessly. It was hilarious and so much like lifesteal; chaotic yet fun.

"Okay okay I am out of snowballs" Clown said after about an hour of fighting.

"But guess what we Clown we have tons more" Woogie grinned mischievously.

"Yeah let's go Woogie" Branzy cheered, throwing couple of snowballs at Clown who somehow managed to dogded them. But of course not all of them. Soon they had exhausted all their snowballs as well. All three of them were put of breath and laughing like crazy.

"See wasn't that fun. I would say I told you so but I told you so." Clown smirked.

"Okay, Clown you were right sadly" Woogie sighed.

"That's what I like to hear" He grinned

"Well if you don't stop that, then you won't get any hot chocolate." Branzy threatened.

"Wait there's hot chocolate!?"

"Yeah and you won't get any"

"Well not if I got to it first alright race you there" Clown said sprinting away from them.


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