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Taerin let out a long sigh when she was left alone in her room. Vanessa left with Chin hours ago to settle everything on the venue. They have no time to waste now that the exhibit was drawing near. She even called Irene to keep her company while resting. The doctor advised her to take a full day rest because her blood pressure is continuing to go down so she needs to undergo observation until it's fully stable.

Honestly, she didn't want to stay long here. She doesn't need medical attention because she's not sick in the first place but she couldn't refuse to stay. She had to rest for the welfare of her baby.

Her baby.

She's looking down at her hospital room's window watching as the streets clogged with busy people and how cars came to a little pause because of traffic, and unconsciously, she touched her belly.

She's pregnant.

She's starting to tear up. She looked down at her flat stomach and gently massages it, trying to connect with the life that was starting to grow inside her womb – a gift – a blessing and a beginning. And it came to her life in the most unexpected way – when their foundation as a married couple is currently being tested.

Maybe this baby could be the reason they would have to stay married and be strong, to forget and forgive. Maybe this was a God telling her to hold on still.

She smiled despite the tears rolling down her cheeks. She doesn't know why she was crying in the first place. Maybe because she's too overwhelmed. She's happy – yes she is, even if she's hurting at that part of her chest.

Yes, she still loves her husband despite him hurting her. She still loves him despite what she knew. And if she would have to choose, she would choose to stay for that reason. She will stay in this marriage and be with him because of that love, not because of responsibility. She will stay because of her heart, not because of their child.

A few minutes later Irene came together with two bodyguards with the thing she needs on their hands. She was tackled into a hug full of worry.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

Taerin nodded and patted the younger's head. "I'm okay, don't worry." She then smiled. Irene doesn't know about what's going on between her and her brother, and because of that, she's thankful.

She still feels guilty everytime she remembers what her father did to Seungcheol's family. They've all been nothing but nice to her. What if all of them would know? If Seungcheol made it possible to hurt her and avoid her, then how about the rest of them?

"Eonnie, is there a problem?" Irene asked when she looked away.

"Nothing, really." She answered fast and smiled. "Sorry for disturbing you, Rene. I know you're working on your thesis and other school works."

"It's okay, Eonnie. Oppa's not around so I know you'll need someone's company here." Then she started looking for someone or something around her. "Where's Takashi?" Irene asked when she couldn't find the bodyguard Seungcheol had hired for her.

BOOK 1: The Heir Series; Choi SeungcheolWhere stories live. Discover now